Shut up - w.m

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A/N: Seeing where this chapter goes..

Wanda's POV:

Today me and Y/N, my amazing girlfriend, have gotten a day off from training, missions and just boring avenger stuff. So we are having a lazy day, playing video games, cuddling. You get the point, right?

Well, me and Y/N being both competitive, stubborn assholes, decided it would be a great idea to play Mario kart. We connected it to the tv everything was good. Until we had to race one another.

Round one.

"Y/N!!!! Stop fucking sending them little shells at me,"


"Hahahah get the fuck out my way," I cheered as I went past Y/N's character.

"YESSSSSSS," Y/N practically screamed as the '1st place' screen popped up.

"What?!??! How did you win!? We're playing again. Play me again."

Round two.


I just giggled at her as my position in the game was now 1st place. I'm so winning.

The rest of that round was silent...

Until I WON!!

"YESSS AHAHAHHA," I looked at my girlfriend who just sat there unamused, clicking the play again button ever so discreetly.

Round three.

"Your not gonna win, love. Trust me,"

"Hmm, we will see about that darling, because I'm pretty sure you were the one who lost last round."

This game was gonna end our relationship.

Y/N's POV:

This game was gonna end our relationship.

We were now on round five. Us both on 2 wins each. The last round to decide who truly is the winner.

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I quietly cursed under my breath.

I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Wanda smirking.

It's been a few minutes of silence, the buttons only clicking to fulfil the silence. The last lap was now coming up. I have to beat her. I need to beat her.

We were both practically next to each other in the race neither of us slowing down. I then attempt to hit her onto the sand outside the track.

"WHATT?!? HOW!?" She shouted

Princess peach was now on the sand.

I had to stifle my laugh otherwise I wouldn't be allowed in our bedroom.

Wanda chucked the controller down onto the sofa and stormed out the room.

"Wan-," then she slammed the door. Why did we agree to this? We both knew this would happen.

I sighed an turned the console off, tidying up the gaming stuff and contemplating whether I should go downstairs or not.

I went downstairs.

I gently creaked open the door, pulling it open gradually. Walking over to the elevator I pushed the button making it flash until I reached the living room/kitchen floor. My eyes searching for the brunette witch.

Walking casually to the kitchen I saw her, our eyes connecting. Damn why do her eyes have to be so mesmerising, that's until she looked away and trudged past me like I was nothing. Wanda then entered the elevator, probably going to our bedroom.

-A few hours have passed-

It was now getting late, but I knew Wanda wouldn't want me to go to our room, so I just went to my old room.

Leisurely strolling in, nostalgia hitting me.

This was going to be a long night. Due to the fact that I can basically only get to sleep if Wanda is next to me.

I put some shorts and a hoodie on, slipping under the cold duvet. Lastly, I checked my phone then just turned over and closed my eyes, attempting to sleep.

The door creaked. Hopefully this entertains my restless night. Until I felt a figure softly and quietly lift the duvet up and get in the bed, next to me. Wanda :).

Her arm wrapped around my waist as she snuggled into me.

I turned to lay on my back, opening my eyes slightly.

"I can't sleep without you," she murmured

I held in my laugh and just smiled to myself.

"Shut up," I heard her whisper, I could hear the smile in her voice though which made me have a toothy grin on my face as I fell into a warm slumber.


A/N: I had trouble sleeping so I just write this.

Who's your favourite marvel character?

What's your comfort movie?

Do you play any video games?

How are you?

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