Mission reports* - w.m

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I've got an exam tdy so I'm writing this quickly - probably won't be good.

Warnings: Mommy kink, strap-on use, praise kink, gag use, degrading, punishment, some other things

Word count: 2198



At the moment, I'm in my room waiting patiently for Wanda. She's in her office either finishing or starting some new mission reports she was given just this morning.

I've been Wanda deprived for the past 4 hours. How am I meant to survive?

I understand that she just wants to get her work done so we have more time later but I didn't even get to wake up with her beside me, so I haven't seen her all day. Only a few messages, which are adorable and I do appreciate but I need Wanda.

Unstable witchy👩‍🍳❤️

Yn you need to stop messaging me
your just making me work slower

I promise I'll come and see you in
a minute dorogoya xx


Okay mommy x

I don't know where that came from, but I'm willing to mess with her because I think I deserve that after waking up with nothing.

Two minutes later...

Unstable witchy👩‍🍳❤️

Detka, I don't know where this
confidence has come from but I
think you need to remember your place.

Come to my office now.

I didn't even have to reply, we both knew I was gonna go to her office as quick as I could.

So that's what I did.

I knock on her office door, the wooden sound barely being heard due to the groups of agents who were working on the same floor as Wanda.

"Come in"

I hear her call out, her voice sending shivers throughout my body as I hear her low tone.

I slowly open the door, walking in timidly and closing the door gently behind me.

I gulp as our eyes meet, I barely see her usual green orbs, her pupils now blown wide. My feet barely move, her gaze practically controlling my movements.

"Milaya, don't just stand there, come here." She stays seated in her office chair, a wooden desk placed in front of her with mission reports scattered across.

I scramble, my mind barely able to think straight as I feel my heart hammer against my chest.

I walk over to her desk, nervously biting my lower lip, awaiting another command.

"Sit." She motions towards her lap.

I hesitantly sit down sideways on her lap, my skirt riding up my thighs slightly at the new position.

Her forefinger and thumb held my chin and made me look into her eyes, a mischievous and lustful glint in the dark orbs.

"You've been such a needy slut, making me tell you to come down to my office while I'm working, just because you wanted some attention. Isn't that right?" Her head tilts slightly while she looks at me with a stern expression.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now