Trying to have a romantic christmas moment - w.m

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This will definitely be very short bc I don't really know what to write but I thought this idea would be fine

Warnings: no smut but mentions of

Word count: 1080



The light Christmas songs play in the background, many traditional and favourited Christmas songs playing among Wanda and i as we both slow dance together.

Her arms are wrapped around my neck as my hands are placed on her hips. My eyes unable to tear themselves away from the enchanting beauty before me, her gaze never faltering as her green orbs gaze lovingly back at me. Soft smiles on our lips as we slowly dance to the Christmas music.

"I love you so much" She whispers, her eyes only filled with love and adoration as she utters the words that always make my heart skip a beat.

"I love you so much more" I whisper back, my own eyes holding the same amount of tenderness and admiration.

She scoffs and rolls her eyes playfully at my words, "that's impossible, darling" her lower lip gets gently pulled between her teeth to try and contain the growing smile appearing on her lips.

I shake my head in disagreement, knowing that my love for her will never waver, knowing my heart is hers and will be forever.

Her hands caress the back of my neck, fiddling with the baby's hairs on my neck, I feel one of her hands move away slightly, a few red tendrils appearing above us, making my eyes look above the two of us, a mistletoe.

Our slow dance came to an end as the traditional Christmas plant appeared suddenly above Wanda and I.

My grin widens at the sight, I look back at Wanda, her eyebrows raised slightly as she pretends to be surprised by the sudden mistletoe above our heads. "I wonder how that got there, but tradition is tradition" She sighs playfully and acts annoyed, making me giggle softly.

We both slowly lean in, connecting our lips in a tender passionate kiss, her soft plump lips fitting perfectly against my own.

I squeeze her hips, eliciting a soft sigh from her lips before she pulls away slightly, the space between us almost non-existent as she whispers, "I have an early Christmas present for you upstairs, detka" a glint of lust sparkling in her green orbs as they darken the slightest.

"Is that so?" I whisper, my lips curling into a small smirk.

Wanda giggles softly and nods in agreement before leaning back in and connecting our lips once again, feeling her cute smile against my lips, this kiss lasting longer than the previous one.

As we part once again with grins plastered on our lips we both begin to gaze into the other's eyes once more, as if her green orbs are bewitching me with some sort of spell.

"You guys are really, really disgusting, do you know that?" A thick Russian accent speaks from behind me making Wanda and I jump in surprise.

The two of us looked at Yelena with confused and disgusted looks.

"You were watching us the whole time?" My eyebrows furrow as I look at Yelena with an unreadable expression.

"I thought something better would have happened so don't blame us, but she is right you both are really gross" Natasha grimaced, looking between me and Wanda, her voice making the two of us tense up.

"Oh my god" Wanda mutters beside me in disbelief and annoyance.

"Don't you guys have something better to do than watch me and my girlfriend on Christmas Eve?" I ask, still very confused about what was happening right now because a few seconds ago Wanda and I were having a romantic Christmas moment until the Russian twins arose from the darkness.

"Not really.. actually wait I did come in here for some vodka to play a game with Kate, oh well, she'll be fine," Yelena says, remembering that she forgot about Kate.

"Maria is on a mission so I wanted to come and annoy you but then you were both being horrible so I wanted to see if something funny would happen but it didn't so thanks for the disappointment." Natasha bluntly states while Yelena says something in agreement with Natasha's explanation.

I feel Wanda's fingers gently intertwine with my own, "there's something wrong with you both" Wanda says blankly.

"We know, but I'll be off now, I hope you enjoyed your little lovey moment because I know I did, but I can't say the same for Natasha, anyway, don't be too loud tonight" Yelena signs herself off and begins to walk away, most likely walking back to her room and just leaving Kate in whatever poor situation she was left in.

"I did not, but this little talk was entertaining for me" Natasha smirks, acknowledging how much she's annoying us, "I'll go too, don't worry, I'll see you both tomorrow, and as Yelena said don't be too loud because the last time I had a good nights sleep I-"

"Okay, you can go" I give a fake smile to the other redhead who just chuckles to herself as she walks away from us.

"Oh, for your information you left your cookies in the oven for too long because you kept gazing longingly into each other's eyes, so I would make sure you don't burn the kitchen down," Natasha yells back to us before finally leaving, Wanda quickly rushes over to the oven and immediately turns the oven off and opens the oven door, allowing some smoke to arise.

She mutters some curse words under her breath as she takes out the burnt Christmas tree cookies and places them on top of the stove.

"I wish the kitchen would have burnt down two minutes ago" Wanda smiles over at me making me giggle quietly.

"It's okay, we can make some new cookies tomorrow" I peck Wanda's lips softly.

"I was also wondering about that early Christmas present you had mentioned earlier" I whisper into her ear and smirk softly, placing hot open-mouthed kisses along her jawline, wanting our memories to erase that awkward encounter.

"Let's get out of this kitchen before we do anything else, detka" Wanda bites her lip gently, grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs with her, leading me to our bedroom.



- also I didn't know whether to add smut or not so I just left it out for this one

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