Christmas cookies - e.o

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A/n: this will be pretty short just because I wanted to write something simple

I'll try update tomorrow too

Warning: Christmas fluff

Word count: 1024



I'm sitting in the corner of the couch, my legs pulled up to my chest as blankets upon blankets are piled up on top of me.

The fire is crackling lightly a couple of metres in front of me, the tv above the fire, on Netflix.

I hold the television remote in my hand, scrolling through Netflix in search of a film that fits best with today.

I can hear the Christmasy music lightly playing in the background while Lizzie sings along to it quietly as she makes us both a hot chocolate. I hear her footsteps approach the couch before placing the two hot chocolates on the coffee table, both filled with marshmallows and whipped cream.

"Can you come help me with the cookies, my love?" She asks softly, smiling adorably as she sees me snuggled under every blanket we have.

"Yeah, of course" I smile softly, getting up from the mountain of covers and following Lizzie back into the kitchen.

"Okay, so, I've gotten the coloured icing and we both baked the cookies together, all we need to do is decorate them and we're done!" She explains excitedly, handing me different icing pipes and standing beside me.

"Which ones would you like to do, darling?" I ask, knowing Lizzie would love to decorate the Christmas trees and Santa hats.

Elizabeth chooses a few Christmas trees and Santa hats, along with a few other Christmas-related items. I'm left with some presents a reindeer and a few other things.

The both of us begin to slowly and precisely colour the sugar cookies, glancing at the others piping skills as we do so.

Nearly after every cookie we both rush into the living room and take a sip of our warm hot chocolates, the sensation practically motivating us. We never clarified it was a competition but we both knew it was a competition.

After many minutes and many sips of hot chocolate, we finally finished decorating every cookie.

Lizzie peers at my work and stifles a laugh making me frown.

"Hey, don't laugh, mine looks good" I look back down at my own cookies, a few look distorted but it's fine.

"Sorry, darling, they're perfect" she teases and pecks my lips softly a few times as an apology.

"Yours probably don't look any better" I mutter and look over at her tray full of perfect, masterpieces. What the fuck. How can someone make sugar cookies looks so good?

She smirks smugly, satisfied with my reaction as I stare dumbfounded at her cookies.

"How- you cheated," I confirm.

"Come on, baby, don't be a sore loser" she teases, all smug just because she decorated cookies better than me.

I look around the island countertop and try to search for something that I could possibly use for my plan of destruction.

"No, no, no, y/n don't do anything to me or my cookies." She says wearily, knowing me too well.


The two of us put all of our cookies on a cute red plate, you could tell which cookies were Lizzie's and which were mine.

While Lizzie carries the plate full of colourful treats I hold two more hot mugs full of chocolatey goodness.

We both walked back over to the couch, placing the cookies and cups on the coffee table in front of us. lifting the tons of blankets and quickly getting under them, Lizzie instantly snuggles up to me as I do the same to her.

"Mhm, how are you already so warm" she mumbles, intertwining our fingers underneath the hundreds of blankets.

My cheeks flush a tinted pink, she literally hasn't done anything and I'm blushing.

"Sweet girl?" She asks softly, looking up at me with a soft smile. God, the pet name, her smile, how does she expect me to survive?

"Hm?" I hum softly in response.

"Did you pick a movie before we decorated the cookies?" She asks, a slight teasing grin playing on the edge of her lips as she knows I completely forgot about my task to search for a movie.

"Well, I wanted to wait until you decided with me," I say slowly, a smile wanting to break free from my lips, obviously lying.

She rolls her eyes playfully at me

"What movie shall we watch" I mutter, pressing the button on the remote to flick through the Christmas movies.

"Christmas Chronicles?"

"We watched that yesterday" I smile gently and look over at Lizzie who pouts adorably.

"How about.. elf." She settles for and passes me my second mug of hot chocolate carefully, the swirl of whipped cream slowly deflating into the warm liquid.

I take a few sips, the sugary sweetness tasting amazing but also the warmth I felt as the hot liquid ran down my throat made my heart warm up.

"Yes! Elf!" I squeak and search for elf on our already-bought films.

I feel my girlfriend's gaze on me before I glance at her and blush, mumbling, "what?"

"You've got a little bit of whipped cream on your upper lip,sweetheart" she bites her lip to try to contain her teasing grin, failing miserably.

My cheeks flush red as I go to wipe the substance off of my lip, but instead, I feel Lizzie's thumb wipe it off and leave a sweet kiss on my lips, humming as she pecks them a couple more times.

A stupid grin plastered on both of our faces as I press play and elf begins to play on the tv, holding my hot chocolate in my hands, carefully snuggling closer to Lizzie.

Lizzie places her warm mug back onto the coffee table, remembering to place it on one of our Christmassy coasters that she specifically bought for the season.

We both sit on the sofa in a comfortable silence, our eyes on the film as we're cuddled up on the couch, enjoying this moment.



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