Waiting for the storm to pass* - w.m

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This is literally that scene of ellie and Dina in the last of us 2 where Jesse practically walks in on them (I love that scene sm) but it's Wanda and yn

Yn is mainly Dina in this scenario but then also somehow switches to ellie towards the end

Warnings: smut, thigh riding, smoking, oral, making out, probably some other things

Word count: 3304



Wanda and I rush into the unknown cabin, quickly closing the door behind us as we enter. I search briefly around the place, the location obviously been broken into previously as many various objects are scattered across the area.

"Clear" I say loud enough for Wanda to hear as I continue to scout the icy place, gently placing my gun in my holster.

After searching the cabin I make my way over to Wanda as she looks for any resources that may help us.

The reason as to why we rushed into this abandoned place was because of a snow storm, the storm denied us access to walk back to our Homebase, leaving Wanda and I to find the nearest shelter available.

"There's nothing here that we could use so we just have to wait until Steve or someone finds us here or for the blizzard to pass" she informs me, leaning against a bookcase.

"Surely there's something here" i mutter and look around the place, trying to find something one of us had missed. "Bruce and I had been here before for some mission, he knows it better than me but I don't think he would've left much"

I hum softly in response, looking at the desk and electrical gear that must've been Bruce's.

I watch as Wanda curiously examines the bookcase she was previously leaning on, some sort of light shining behind it.

"Y/n, help me push this?"

I walk over to her, my eyes scanning around before I place my hands firmly on the bookshelf, the both of us pushing at the same time and moving the case over to the side, revealing a doorway and a staircase downwards, the discovery making us look at each other for confirmation to pursue the hidden site.

With a nod of her head she begins to descend down the staircase, I follow behind her, skeptical of the unidentified scene we had found.

"Do you think this is Bruce's?" I query, seeing another door after we went down the stairs.

Wanda shrugs and slowly opens the door, "I mean it could be, but-"

Her sentence is cut off as our eyes finally process what we are seeing.

"Bruce has a fucking weed farm!?" I laugh loudly, Wanda's jaw dropped as we both walk into the huge underground room full of weed that was now obviously old.

I examine the plants, my mind still so confused. "Do you think it's still good?" Wanda murmurs beside me, holding a jar of a few joints.

"Does weed go bad?" I ask and she just shrugs, struggling to open the jar as she uses all her strength.

I begin to take some of my gear off, along with my thick, woolly coat and my backpack. "You having a hard time?" I tease with an amused smile on my lips as I watch Wanda grunt, trying to take the lid off of the jar.

"No, I-I got it" she mutters and continue to struggle.

I chuckle quietly and grab the jar off of her, "give me that"

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now