Marshmallows - w.m

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A/n: Wanda flufffffffff - also like most of my one-shots there isn't a persistent pov mainly between y/n and no one's pov ig

!Not proofread!

Word count: 3086


You lay there in bed with your eyes open. You've been laying in your bed for hours, trying to get to sleep but nothing works. It's way too hot to go to sleep.

You sigh, sitting up in your bed. Your feet touch the cold floorboards quietly as you make your way towards the door. The hinges screech, making your eyebrows furrow. Gently making your way outside of the compound to the porch, you grab a bottle of water, the coldness of it cooling you down slightly.

As you reach your destination you see a figure sitting down at the round wooden table and chairs. Their head turns towards the door you just walked through, a candle lighting up the atmosphere and shining through the person's green eyes, lighting up their perfect features. It was Wanda, sitting out here, alone.

"Hey," you whisper, speaking up first.

"Hi," she replies shyly.

You sit opposite her on another wooden chair, placing your water bottle beside you. Sighing as a cold breeze washes over you.

"What are you doing up out here?" You question.

"I could ask you the same thing," she half smiles at you, her eyebrows raising slightly. The easily noticeable Sokovian accent laced itself through her words.

You just smile back, looking outwards. "It's so hot," you groan quietly, your head tilting back a bit in frustration of the heat occurring outside.

You never really enjoyed the heat that much but it was usually tolerable. Until now, it was just irritating you so much, the only thing keeping you sane right now was seeing the Sokovian girl out here.

"It never really got hot in sokovia so this is new to me. I never went on holiday to understand how hot it could be in other countries or places, so I didn't know it was going to be this terrible," she speaks openly about her past, she rarely does that; speak about her childhood. A light giggle leaves her mouth towards the end of her sentence making you smile as you look at her side profile.

Her laugh sends a sense of warmth inside of you, making you feel fuzzy, this has occurred many times when the maximoff girl smiles or laughs, even better when she does her adorable nose scrunch. Nothing you thought you should worry about, but her being on your mind every second of the day was making you start to question a few things, more so the feelings you have towards her.

Her head turns towards you, your eyes meeting. Her green orbs stare into you. "Do you- um maybe wanna go on a w-walk?" She questions nervously, stumbling on her words while a light tint of blush covers her face,
"O-o-or not I mean it's okay if yo-"

"Yeah, sure. Let's go." You answer as she just nods silently, the pinkness on her face never fading.

You both stand up from your seat, looking at each other discretely before moving to walk onto the grass, following a path.

The silence is comfortable, a sleepy atmosphere making you feel content in a way.

"When I was younger, usually, um, at night it would get super hot in the summer, so in a sense, I'm used to it but still not. It just irritates me every time I'm trying to sleep but feeling too hot." You shake your head towards the end sighing as you remember the feeling of being sticky from the humid air, your thoughts then becoming stuck in your head when you should be asleep. You weren't sure what to say, to be honest, your childhood wasn't great so there wasn't anything to talk about really.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now