winter season tradition - w.m

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A/N: been a while since I've been on here, decided to try and write something for you guys I hope it's okay and I hope you all have a good day/night!

Warnings: very light making out, fluff

!not proofread!

Word count: 1590


I found myself walking down the streets with y/n beside me, some snow piled up on the pavement causing that perfect crunching sound as we stroll. We were walking to our favourite spot, as much as it was deathly freezing outside and I most certainly wanted to go back home and cuddle near a fireplace.

"Come on, Wands" she whines, causing me to giggle quietly to myself, she's always so impatient.

We were both wrapped in warm, cozy clothes. Big jackets, sweaters, whatever we could find. And each a cup of hot chocolate in our hand's definitely helped.

I hold y/n's arm as we walk to the secluded area a mile or so away from the Avengers compound. There were a few old trees, a hammock, a lake to the right and a view of the sky. "Detka, you might catch a cold out here" i mutter once again to y/n as she hops onto the hammock, sitting down easily.

"It will be fine, let's just do our tradition and then we can go back to your beloved fireplace" she beckons me over with her hand. Reluctantly, I agree. Not so gracefully sitting in the hammock too, having a small sip of my still steaming hot chocolate.

When y/n and I had met, it was during the winter time, November 25th. During that time we obviously had many moments in the cold weather, which then led to us celebrating the anniversary by coming down to this beautiful lake and making it more cozy every year. Now that this year is much colder, I'm regretting my decisions. But of course, I love y/n dearly so I must follow our little tradition, not that I would ever want it to stop.

I gaze over at her, her soft smile and beauty shining so brightly, my heart pounding loudly in my ears and chest. Once her eyes meet mine, her already reddened cheeks from the weather grow that much darker, "what?" She asks shyly, making my smile grow.

"Nothing, you're just beautiful" i reply with the feeling of my ears burning, hopefully she can't notice.

Y/n shakes her head and rolls her eyes playfully, before without a warning, sliding her hands- let me correct. Very, very frigid hands, up my millions of sweaters, the feeling making me squeal and squirm, the hammock rocking slightly. "Y/n!"

"God, you're so warm, please let my hands stay here" she sighs in relief at the torture. "I told you to bring gloves, but what did you say? Oh rig-"

Before I can finish my words she presses her lips to mine in a tender manner but also shutting me up. "I know, I know, I'm sorry. But you're better at warming my hands up" she murmurs and kisses my cheek, making my body instantly hot. God, i probably look as red as my wiggly woos.

"I'll stop if you really want me to" her hands go to shimmy away but I shake my head, "no. It's fine."

Her wide grin causes my lips to curl into a small smile, I hold my cup of hot chocolate up to lips, holding it with both hands, I take a big gulp, before wincing and swallowing it quickly, "what?" Y/n frowns.

"I burnt my tongue" I frown softly, disliking the unpleasant feeling.

"Oh, let me kiss it better" y/n says simply and gently pulls her hand from under my sweaters, cupping my cheek and turning my head towards her, kissing me deeply, my eyes widen before sinking into the kiss.

We make out for as long as we can before pulling away breathlessly, our lungs burning for air.

"Mhm, thank you" i reply with a lazy smile while panting softly which causes y/n to chuckle lightly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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