Whos is this? - w.m

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A/n: rewatching killing eve rn so this will probably not be proofread.

Tw: a bit of angst?

Word count: 1142


Y/N's POV:

So for this eventful day I'm going to prank my fiancé. Probably not a good idea since we aren't married just yet but I'm bored.

I've already set up a few cameras in mine and Wanda's room so that can be ticked of the list.

You may be wondering what the prank is. I will get to that part in a minute.

I've already apologised in advance towards the cameras that I set up, just so Wanda won't call of our wedding off or anything when I tell her it's a prank.

Hopefully the apologising will help.

I'm currently holding some cheap ass perfume in my hand, knowing I would never wear it and Wanda would never.

And I'm also holding a bra.

Okay this is definitely a stupid prank.

Spraying the perfume onto the clothing item and placing the bra behind one of my pillows, not completely behind but enough so only a little bit of the bra is peaking out; barely noticeable.

"Im gonna die tonight." I Mutter to myself.

Hiding the perfume in my wardrobe, just putting loads of clothes on top of it so it stays hidden.

Everything is set up, so now I just wait for my perfect fiancé to come home.

I've already asked the AI assistant to inform me when Wands comes home so that's all good.

She's currently out with Yelena, unusual pair but they surprisingly get along. They went out shopping, honestly just getting random stuff. I have not one clue of why I'm doing this to her, I already feel bad. But I'll still do it because it's all set up.

"Miss l/n, miss maximoff has arrived at the compound," the intelligent system tells me.

I quickly rush to the bed, sitting up with a book in my hand, actually starting to read the intriguing book that was placed upon my bedside table.

While my mind focuses on the words on the page I hear a few foot steps and shuffling till the bedroom door opens quietly yet quickly.

"My loveeee," Wanda drags out the end

I lift my head up making eye contact with her beautiful sage orbs. "Hey sweetheart,"

I look to see her carrying only two bags of stuff. Less than before. That's good I guess.

"Can I show you what I got, please," she pleads, a huge toothy grin plastered into her face, full of excitement. "Of course darling," I smile back, sitting up a bit more, crossing my legs and waiting to see what she had bought today.

"Okay, okay. Hold on," she mutters to herself cutely, rushing around trying to get the first thing she wants to show me.

"I also got you a few things,"

"Love, you didn't have too,"

"I wanted too. So you will have to accept them," She speaks clearly, showing me the first item.

A few gifts later..

"Wait, wan, lemme go run a bath and we can relax tonight together." I say getting up from under the duvet, moving the pillow a bit to reveal more of the bra. The plan commences...

"Okay, yeah, that would be perfect, printessa. Thank you" I walk past her and give her a few pecks on her soft lips then making my way to our en-suite.

I start the bath, talking an extra second or two just so there's time for her to notice the unknown piece of clothing in our bed.

"Shall I add one of your many bath bombs?" I call out laughing slightly due to her collection of bath bombs and bath soaps.

A few seconds until wanda replies.

She's definitely saw it. Whenever I mention her bath bombs or soaps she picks the perfect ones for the night. But not tonight. Oh no. I'm fucked.

I stroll out the bathroom, "y/n? What's this?" She questions clearly confused as she holds up a bra. Dun dun dunnnn.

I open my eyes a little wider for half a second, pretending to be alarmed, knowing Wanda would catch that action. Her head tilts slightly.

"A bra?" I play dumb. "Obviously it's a bra. But who's is it? Because I sure as hell know it's not mine."

"Oh, it's probably just mine then," I say trying to reach for the piece of clothing.

"No. No it's not. You don't have a bra that looks like this and you don't wear this perfume. I know that much. So who's is it?" She questions more sternly. I see a wash of emotion flow through her face. Sadness.

"It's probably just mine love," I go to reach for it again but she just puts it away from my grip and sits down.

"Is she better than me? Everything I've done for you? I've tried to make you happy everyday, tried to fulfil all your needs and try to be a better person for you. But I guess none of that matters does it?" She looks up at me. Her eyes full of tears and sadness.

Okay this was breaking me.

"What? Wanda stop being ridiculous, your the only person I'll ever love," I state stupidly. That was such a bad response. Why did I even carry on.

"Answer the question. Is she better than me? Or even who the hells bra is this?!?" Tears fall down her cheeks.

Okay too much I'm sorry.

"No, no, sweetheart I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's just a prank. There's cameras up there," I point to the cameras, "and there, and there,"

I cup her cheeks wiping her tears as she shrugs me off. "No, your lying. Who's is this," she says in disbelief.

"Here lemme just-" I grab the cameras and Chuck them on the bed. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I repeat as I hug her.

"Your an asshole y/n." "I know I'm sorry lovebug,"

I hear the bath running and remember it's still on.

"Shit," my eyes widen as I sprint into the bathroom, turning it off as it's nearly overflowing.

I walk back into the bedroom, Wanda smirking at me and shaking her head lightly. I give a puzzled face.

"Sweet girl, your sleeping on the couch tonight."

"But- wan, I like my cuddles-" "hush my love, you can get your cuddles when you don't make me think your cheating on me,"

I huff.

Wanda walks past me into the bathroom, "come on then," she breathes out. My smile instantly returning as I run back into our en-suite.

Both us giggling.


A/n: two more tests tmrw, Geography and French. I'm gonna cry.

Anyway, I hope this is alr. Sad Wanda made my heartbreak so that's on you for making her sad.

What are your guys' thoughts on ms marvel???

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