Y/n, I dont care i want you* - e.o

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I'm gonna cry bc school started but at least we get a Lizzie puppy interview, more interviews, love and death premiere AND missha content and also some emmy thing :)

Warnings: smut, making out, cheating, fingering, drinking, teasing, thigh riding

!NOT PROOFREAD! - sorry I'm so tired but I hope this makes some sense at least

Word count: 3011



I'm currently sitting in Lizzie's living room, a glass of wine in my hand and a Housewife's of New Jersey episode playing on the tv.

Elizabeth's husband and children left for a road trip this morning to see their grandparents, leaving the blonde all alone for the next five days. Lizzie and I are best friends, we have known each other since college and have been friends ever since.

I had gotten a call this afternoon, Lizzie informed me about the departure of her family and asked if I could come over for some wine, which of course I immediately accepted.

Both of us are mildly chatting as we watch the reality show, sipping our wine every few minutes. "Do you need a top up?" Lizzie asks, a lazy smile on her lips and her tilted slightly to the side.

I glance down at the glass in my hand and finish off the remaining drops of red wine, "yes, please, but don't do too much" I hand Elizabeth my glass and she walks into the kitchen, refilling our glasses practically to the brim and returning to the couch, placing the glasses on the coffee table.

"Liz, I said not to do too much" i giggle softly, "honey, it's fine, just enjoy it" she smirks and sips on her drink, holding eye contact with me as she does so. Oh my.

"So where did you say your kids were again?" She asks, licking over her lips and adjusting her body so she's facing me, leaning her head on her hand.

I have two kids, a seven-year-old boy, Mac, and an eleven-year-old girl, Samara. Both I love with all my heart, they're adorable and sometimes they actually get along which is a miracle.

I sigh, "with their father for some adventure apparently" i murmur and roll my eyes, taking definitely more than just a sip of my wine. She chuckles softly, "how fun" she says sarcastically, "are you still talking to Chris?" She asks about the asshole himself.

"Of course not, I only ever speak to him if it's something about the kids" i glance over at the tv, listening to see if anything interesting is happening. "Are you.. seeing anyone else?" Lizzie asks, pulling my attention away from the tv and back to the woman seated beside me.

"um, no, not really" i mutter and take a sip of the red wine, "I mean I've hooked up with a few people but nothing serious"

After the divorce, I've just been trying to help the kids and be there for them but I do have to take care of myself too so I'm attempting to start dating again, I got a few different apps and have met a few people but they have only been one night stands.

"Hm, when was the last time you got with someone?" She smirks softly, a teasing grin placing itself on her red shaded lips.

"Why? You wanna be the next person, Elizabeth?" I tease and giggle quietly, watching a light blush darken on her cheeks. "I bet you would like that wouldn't you, sweetheart?" She quips back, taking a sip out of her glass and placing it on the coffee table.

I feel my ears and cheeks burn, the sensation making me turn my face away from her green eyes, "the last time was probably like three weeks ago" i answer her question, not wanting to carry on with whatever that was.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now