Sokovian dish - w.m

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A/n: so tired and don't feel too good rn but I'm never too tired for Wanda fluff. (This may be bad but oh well)

Just us looking after Wanda when she's not feeling too great :(

Warnings: grief

Word count: 1380



I sit on the countertop in the kitchen, Safari opened up on my phone. The search bar read: Sokovian food recipe.

This past day or so wanda has been feeling a little down. Around 3 days ago it was the date of her parents' death so it was hard for her but I tried my best to help her through it, along with my attempt to help Pietro which mildly worked.

She hasn't come out of her room in forever, so I've been trying to cook for her, entertain her, and just do anything in my power to make her happy. Even if it's just cuddling and watching The Dick Van Dyke Show.

"Yes!" I exclaim. I found a recipe, and the food name sounded familiar, reminding me, that Wanda used to have it when she was younger.

Hopefully, this will help her feel a little bit better.

You really have to see her smile though, she hasn't done it in a while and your heart just feels gloomy without it, her smile lights up the world, it makes you feel all fuzzy and it makes you smile so much your cheeks hurt.

Anyway, I need to make this dish to perfection so Wanda can enjoy it. That's my goal for today.

I set out the ingredients on the countertop, each measured out to the advised amount.

Slowly, the Sokovian cuisine comes together as the minutes pass by.

My mind fully concentrated on making this to the best of my ability, correcting every one of my mistakes and rereading everything to make sure I don't mess this up.

- half an hour later -

The hopefully edible food was now cooking, my mind praying silently that it would taste, at least, nice.

I wipe my hands down my apron, my mind guiding back to the brunette upstairs.

I begin cleaning up part of the mess I made, putting bowls and dishes in the sink, wiping over the counters, and trying to distance my mind from the timer on the appliance.

I breathe out softly, not knowing what to do at this moment. I check the timer to see I've got around 20 minutes left; enough time for me to go and see my girlfriend.

I go up to our room, approaching the enclosed door. I gently knock, wanting to respect Wanda's privacy.

I hear a raspy, sniffly voice from the other side, "who is it?"

My heart breaks hearing the sadness laced through her quiet voice.

"It's me, love," I respond, switching the weight from one leg to another.

I hear a mutter before the door opens, red magic twirling around the door. I step in, the door closing behind me. I look to see wanda, laying in bed, the tv on quietly as she has a book in hand and some tissues next to her.

I give a small smile and sit beside her, pulling the duvet over my legs slightly. "How do you feel, sweetheart," I question in a whisper, my hand gently brushing over her face, brushing back some strands of hair.

She raises her eyebrows and chuckles sarcastically, "perfect,"

I frown and bite my lip, kissing her temple gently, "I'm sorry," I mutter, not being great at comforting people wasn't helpful when all I wanted to do was make my love feel okay.

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