Jealous* - w.m

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A/n: this is an old draft so it's probably not amazing but I'm gonna post it anyway

Warning: smut


Word count: 2583


Y/N's POV:

Today me and Wanda are going to one of, the famous, Tony Stark's parties, most of the team were invited and I am allowed to come too, since I am Wanda's girlfriend.

I met the avengers when Wanda introduced me to them, it was a fun day out where they got to know me and I got to know them.

I was ready, wearing a short black dress (or whatever you want to wear). Waiting for Wanda to get ready, I just scrolled through tiktok.

I heard high heels clicking against the floor as my stunning girlfriend walk downstairs, my jaw dropped, she looked beautiful. Her brunette locks resting upon her shoulders, wearing a green dress revealing a bit of cleverage.

"W-wow you look gorgeous, my love," I stuttered out, amazed by Wanda.

She giggled lightly responding softly with blush forming on her cheeks, "Thank you, detka, you look stunning as always,"

You blushed and you both had a passionate kiss, never wanting it to end you wrapped your arms around her neck as she settled her hands on your hips. Wanda gently pulled away biting on your bottom lip a little earning a soft moan to slip out of your mouth, slightly embarrassed you looked away from her. Wanda grabbed your jaw firmly making you look at her as she pecked your lips a couple more times.

"Come on, let's go. We can't be late!!" She excitedly said before pulling your hand outside.

The car ride was about half an hour not too long. During it we blasted music primarily Taylor Swift, and just sang and danced along.


Wanda's POV:

As we arrived at the tower, I made sure Y/N was okay before entering the house with our fingers intertwined.

My girlfriend was breathtaking, I would glance at her for a second but then realise I had been staring for a while.

When entering the tower we were greeted by tony and Steve as they were getting more drinks for some of the guests.

Y/N's POV:

"I'm just gonna go get us a drink at the bar I'll be back in a minute love," I whispered to Wanda as I went off to the bar to get us our usual drinks, for my girlfriend a sex on the beach and for me y/f/d ( your favourite drink ).

After asking the bartender for a drink I silently glanced around the room taking in this glorious place.

While waiting for mine and Wands' drinks I felt a presence arrive beside me. As I turned to see who it was, it was the one and only Carol Danvers.

"Hello there, you must be Y/N right?" She spoke friendly.

"Oh, umm, yeah I'm Y/N. I know who you are so don't worry about introducing yourself," you chuckled lightly trying not to fangirl over her.

Carol was one of your favourite avengers, she was so cool and powerful, she literally could fly in space by herself.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Y/N,"

After speaking with Carol for quite a while you kind of forgot to give Wanda her drink about 10 minutes after you had gotten it. Continuing to speak with Carol, Natasha and Wanda came over to you both.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now