I've always wanted you - part 2 - e.o

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Some people asked for part 2 so here it is but I can't promise that it isn't a disappointment, because I really hated how this turned out

Warnings: cheating, making out,
teasing, phone sex, masturbating, maybe some other things

Word count: 3770


I slowly stirred awake from my deep slumber, it was now the last day Lizzie's family was away, meaning it was the last day we could be with each other. Once I finally had awoken, I felt an arm draped across my waist and light kisses being peppered across my jawline, "good morning, sweetheart" Elizabeth whispers, her voice raspier than usual due to the early hours.

A soft smile settles on my lips as I bath in her warmth and love, something I've gotten used to in these past days. "Morning" I mumble tiredly, turning slightly onto my side in search of a more comfortable position.

Lizzie smiles warmly down at me, her eyes shining brightly. I lean forward to capture her lips, kissing them softly.

After pulling away from the kiss, I pull the covers up slightly higher, finally realising I was still in the same state I left myself in last night. Naked, marked and most certainly exhausted.

Elizabeth giggles softly and pecks my lips for a few times before pressing her forehead against mine in an intimate gesture. "I don't want you to leave" she whispers quietly.

"I have to" i whisper back and pull away slightly to gaze into her eyes, making her shake her head in response, "you don't have to, we can stay together, just like we want" her eyes holding a hopeful and determined glint.

I wish that was true.

Over the past days I have been staying at Lizzie's house, it has been a dream. Although I've missed my kids, Elizabeth and I have had the most amazing time, as much as we have avoided the inevitable conversation of what will happen when we return to our families.
When Lizzie had asked me to stay the first night, I obviously was hesitant but after that I was just lost in a daze which was full of her, and I still am.

I chuckle dryly and tear my eyes away from her own, "that's not true, Lizzie, you're married"

"So what? I can get a divorce, y/n" she shrugs, as if it's the easiest thing she could say. Her arm wrapped around my waist pulls me closer to her and slides up to cup my cheek, making me look at her. I clench my jaw and shake my head lightly, "can we just talk about this later? I'm starving" I desperately change the subject, giving in to this little fantasy work we have created.

After we had cooked breakfast, cleaned up and gotten ready for the day I began to make myself a cup of tea, my mind elsewhere, hoping this day would never come to an end.

Soft, slow kisses press against my shoulder and the side of my neck, eliciting a soft sigh of pleasure. Her hands snake around my waist, pressing her front firmly against my back while continuing to tease me with hot open-mouthed kisses along my neck. I tilt my head slightly to the side and bite my lip, giving her more access to my neck, "what are you doing?" I mutter, leaning back into her touch.

A light giggle escapes her lips before she whispers seductively into my ear, "you know exactly what I'm doing" she smirks and places a firm kiss just below my earlobe, the sensation making my hands grip the edge of the countertop.

I turn around in her arms, a small grin on my lips as I see the lustful desire in her darkened eyes. I run my forefinger along her sharp jawline and smirk softly as she shudders beneath my touch, she leans in and kisses me deeply, probing her tongue past my lips to explore my mouth.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now