Like that? - w.m

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A/n: this may not be proofread because I'm watching a sitcom and writing at the same time so💀

Btw wanda and yn are pretty young, maybe in their late teens or something but you can just choose however hold you think they are/should be.

Word count: 940



"It will be better and feel perfect when it's with the right person, yn" wanda sighs, not understanding how else she was meant to help me.

So, in my current situation, I had to ask for some advice related to how to kiss someone. I haven't kissed anyone before, nor have I even had a serious relationship. As you can see I'm inexperienced.

But, I'm also stupid.

Because when I'm having problems- romantic problems I go and ask Wanda Maximoff, also known as my crush.

My crush, who is also my training partner and my best friend's sister. What a perfect world this is, huh?

Due to events in sokovia, Wanda and Pietro were now avengers, like myself, and had become closer to me.

When Piet first arrived we instantly clicked, both of us having the same childish humour and the same competitiveness. However, when Wanda first arrived she was more closed off to everyone, staying by herself and barely attending any group activities, but as the days went on we grew closer and she grew closer to the team, soon later our developed friendship turned out to be; me having a huge crush on the sokovian girl.

Obviously, Pietro didn't know about my crush, he was too focused on thinking about how to get me back from the prank I had planned flawlessly the previous day.

Now, I could've asked Natasha or Yelena or kate, or any other female figure in the compound, but Yelena would laugh at me and then go tell Kate, Natasha would tell me to practice on wanda or tease me about it, then go off and tell Maria (she plainly found out about my slight crush). Lastly, Kate, I couldn't bring myself to go through the awkwardness of that conversation. Then the rest of the women I just refused to ask due to us not being relatively close.

So I was left to my last resort, Wanda.

"But I don't understand what I'm meant to do, where am I meant to put my hands? how are my lips meant to be? Is there a way my lips are meant to be?" I ramble quickly, becoming more embarrassed as I continue to speak.

"Hey, hey, stop rambling and just listen, okay?" she says softly, her hands holding onto mine to calm me down, It did but also didn't. I felt my cheeks get warm and I visibly gulped making a tiny smirk appear at the corner of Wanda's lips.

"Everything will be wonderful when you kiss the right person, it doesn't matter what your hands are doing or if you think you're doing something wrong because you probably won't be, but make sure your hands aren't in an awkward place or your lips aren't doing anything weird," she says the last bit quickly, making my expression drop drastically.

"I- you just went back on everything you said after like a second"

"Because, if you overthink it, you might end up believing it was weird or you did something incorrectly, so just don't think about it." she sighs, trying to explain this to me.

I nod as my eyes end up gazing at her soft lips, then averting back to her green orbs. Both of us look at each other with loving regard. I subconsciously lick over my lips, quickly leaning in and kissing her lips gently before pulling away just as fast.

I nervously ask, "like that?"

Wanda sits there with a blush on her cheeks and spreading down her neck slightly, her lips parted softly as she's in a dazed, flustered state.

"Uhm- ye-yeah, like that" she whispers and licks over her lips slowly, making my eyes return back to her delicate, plump lips.

She peers down at her hands a shy smile appearing before the door swings open rapidly.

"Yn, come on, I've been messaging you for ages, I wanna play video games" Pietro grumbles before speeding back to his bedroom, not noticing the uprising tension in the room.

You and Wanda are both stuck in your places before you both go to speak.

"I should-" "I'm sure-"

You both blush before wanda says, "you can go I've got to go and, um, help Natasha with something"

"Okay," I whisper and nod, my brain still trying to act normal after that kiss, which wasn't really a kiss but it counts. I'm counting it.

My thoughts swarm as I think about how her chapstick tasted, the way her lips sighed against mine and the unique, distinctive tingling in my lips. I can still feel the butterflies in my stomach, although the kiss was only like 1 second.


I quietly exit yn's room, my mind foggy with my own thoughts but then even louder when I hear yn's.

She's.. thinking about the kiss? Thinking about me?

My smile grows as I try to contain it by biting on my lower lip, my stomach feeling fluttery and my lips wanting to taste hers again, already becoming addicted to the feel of her tender lips.

I quickly scurry to find Natasha, the grin plastered on my face as I explain everything to the redhead.


A/n: this is pretty short but I tried to make it as good as I could💀 I hope its alr

I've got school Tuesday😭 I'm gonna cry

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