our little ducks - w.m

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A/N: it's been a while since my last chapter but I'm trying to get back into writing a bit more so I hope this is alright although I've read it over a million times and don't like it. - I hope you're all okay and doing well <3

I also literally start school again in a few hours and I'm not ready

Warnings: !not proofread!

Word count: 1571



I groan tiredly as I feel a newfound weight on our mattress, nuzzling it's way between mine and Wanda's bodies. My eyes flutter open to see our little girl, Samara, who is now 3 and a half years old, whispering tiny words with Wanda.

Wanda and I had previously adopted Samara while she was still a baby, Wanda and I was ready to take the next step and start a family after many talks about the subject. We knew adopting was our best option as we are ✂️ and cannot create a baby together, but although that isn't possible, we have an amazing daughter and cannot love her enough.

My wife's eyes meet mine briefly with a warm smile, raising her eyes to our daughter in some sort of signal, because as soon as Sammy sees her action she turns around on her side to face me and cuddles into me, "mommy, can we go see the ducks today?" She asks excitedly, mispronouncing a word or two adorably.

I grin at her expression and nod gently, "Mhm, we can go once we all eat breakfast and when the rain stops, okay?" I reason, hoping the rain will finally stop before noon.

Samara nods eagerly, before rushing out of Wanda's and I's shared bed to go brush her teeth and make sure her teddy is well and alive, as Wan kindly reminded her.

"She's adorable" Wanda whispers with a small smile, her slender fingers gently twirling my soft hair. I hum in agreement to her words, beaming up at my wife before leaning in for a soft kiss but rudely getting rejected, "no, no, you need to brush your teeth too, detka" Wanda giggles quietly and smirks. I roll my eyes playfully at her remark, "you're mean this morning" i mutter before getting out of bed and practically sprinting to go brush my teeth.

After brushing my teeth, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen, avoiding Wanda's attempts to kiss or cuddle me once she had joined me in our en-suite as revenge. Samara was the first down, joined by her teddy bear, Bear, the two of them chanting for pancakes which I very quickly began to make.

Soon later, Wanda arrives downstairs while my sue chef and I flip a pancake in the pan, her small hands holding the handle with all her strength while mine do the same, "look mama!" the toddler squeals while giggling excitedly, unaware of the scolding glare her mother was sending to me.

I ruffle her hair as she rushes back to the stool of the island counter, passing her the plate of pancakes she assisted with flipping, "look how good you did, they're perfect" i smile warmly at the proud girl while receiving another disapproving glare from the redhead to my right.

Wanda's arms wrap around my torso from behind, her plump lips pressing a gentle kiss to my bare shoulder, "never let her do that again, Moyà Lyubov'" she whispers, making me smirk as I focus on pouring more pancake mixture into the pan, "them pancakes look delicious though, and anyway, I thought you wanted her to have your cooking talents"

She rolls her eyes playfully and hurriedly sits beside Samara, helping her spread some Nutella onto her pancake, along with a drizzle of syrup.

Not long after, mine and Samara's scrumptious pancakes were munched by each of us and we were getting ready to go to the duck pond.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now