Christmas party - w.m

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Sorry haven't posted in a while I've had so many exams and stuff

Warnings: making out, teasing, alcohol

Word count: 2345



It was the 23rd of December, almost two days till Christmas and I was just wishing for days to pass quicker. As close as the special date was, to my dismay the tin man decided to have one of his most famous, extravagant parties.

The team has already suffered with at least 5 parties this month, - some unable to attend due to their own excuses - but Tony decided to throw one last event before Christmas.

The majority of the team was going, only a couple of super-powered individuals who couldn't attend the Christmas party.

It's around 6 pm as I continue to scan over my wardrobe, hoping some expensive dress will just fly out or something. I've already taken a shower a couple of minutes ago, then I put on some light natural makeup and for my hair, I left down with its natural wave.

As my eyes repeat the action of scanning my wardrobe for the millionth time I hear my bedroom door open, revealing my enchanting girlfriend, Wanda Maximoff.

"Hey, Moyà lyubov, have you found an outfit yet?" A soft smile settles on her lips and she walks over to where I stand in front of our wardrobe. Her hands settled on my hips, fiddling with the silky belt of my white robe.

My lower lip gets gently pulled between my teeth as my eyes gaze at my wardrobe again, "there's nothing for me to wear" I mutter, my eyes gazing back at her sage green orbs, almost hypnotising me with her ethereal beauty.

"Let me choose something for you, okay?" She asks softly, leaning in close and kissing my lips tenderly.

Once we pull away with shy smiles and slightly flushed cheeks, Wanda sits me down on the edge of my bed, while she begins to search in our wardrobe.

My eyes never look away from the Sokovian in front of me, she's just so alluring, I could go on and on about every single trait or beauty of hers and I would probably never stop talking.

The soft pinkness on her cheeks tells me that she knows my eyes haven't left her, my eyes almost unable to look away.

"Malysh, would you like to match with me?" She asks with an almost undetectable shyness and uncertainty as if she thinks there's a chance of me saying no to her.

"Yes please, my love" I smile warmly as an adorable grin forms on her lips. Almost instantly she finds the perfect attire for me to wear that will also match Wanda's red gown.

Soon later, Wanda leaves me to get ready herself and allow me to put on the chosen outfit Wanda had specifically picked herself. As much as I hate Starks's parties, I'm finding myself more excited for this one. My excitement may be because of Christmas time but it's most certainly because of a certain Maximoff.

I take my time admiring my gorgeous girlfriend as she walks into my bedroom, her dress highlighting her curves perfectly while her hair is slightly curled and falls flawlessly just below her shoulders. I subconsciously lick over my lips, unable to tear my eyes away from Wanda.

"My eyes are up here, my love" she teases, a soft smirk playing on the edge of her lips as her thumb and forefinger hold my chin, gently tilting my head up to look at her emerald eyes.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now