GTA - e.o

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A/N: Does anyone else play GTA? I haven't played it in soooo long.


word count: 641


Y/N's POV:

So recently my best friend bought me grand theft auto ( GTA ). So me being me, a gaming addict, I have been playing this game everyday for at least 5 hours. I know it's a little extreme but I need to beat all my mates on this game, we all made a bet, but saying 'we all made a bet' I mean they did, so my stubborn ass won't be able to lose to my friends.

Here we are, 4th hour in on playing this addictive game. Lizzie made me lunch since I didn't go downstairs, too busy playing my console.

The amount of money I have in this game isn't funny, I swear this game is against me or something.

I sighed leaning back on my gaming chair, checking my phone after the 'Wasted' screen popped up on the TV.

"Babeeeee," I heard Lizzie whine as I moved one of my headphones to behind my ear.

"What's wrong darling?" I ask my girlfriend as she situates herself next to me.

"Can you please stop playing that game." It was more of an order coming from Lizzie; I could tell since her tone was demanding yet soft.

"But- my love you know why I'm playing it," I don't have the energy to explain it to liz again.

Lizzie's POV:

I just sighed, not in defeat, but in happiness strangely. I knew how I would get her off that game.

Smirking to myself I sat up and straddled her lap.

"Baby, I can't see the TV,"

I guided her jaw upwards to expose more of her neck. Gently I left opened mouth kisses down her neck, lightly sucking on it every few kisses.

Y/N's POV:

I felt her mouth softly nip at my neck as she worked her way lower.

I tried to hold back the sounds coming out of my mouth, but a low groan left my lips. I felt Lizzie smile against my collarbone making me shudder under her.

My friends spoke through the headset, thankfully not hearing what was going on, on my side of the mic.

"What are you doing," I managed to whisper, guiding the mic away from my mouth.

"Nothing, don't worry about me sweetheart, just play your game."

I felt her shift off of me and then heard the floor boards creak, signalling she obviously left.

I ended up turning the game off, saying goodbye to my friends and placing my headset down, leaving the room and going downstairs.

She was sat there with millions of blankets on her, popcorn and chocolate on her right side and a spot for me on her left.

The tv was on, a movie awaiting us.

I watched the smirk on her face grow wider as my star-struck face and body didn't move.

"My love come on," she smiled at me. Her innocence was annoyingly cute, which doesn't make sense but here we are.

I sighed and walked over to the couch whispering, "Your mean,"

She put the blankets over me as we shared them, the popcorn and other types of junk food sitting on her lap.

"No im not, I'm adorable," she pouted

I just laughed at her sarcastically, leaning to get a kiss but swerving to get some popcorn and magic stars.

She gasped and we both laughed together.

She played y/f/m as you both cuddled on the sofa.

The night carried on with teasing and cuddling, eating and then sleeping.


A/N: I hope this was okay and sorry I haven't posted in quite a while but yk.

Do any of you guys shift?(i might try later)

How was your day?

Do you collect funko pops?

What's your favourite series or sitcom?

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