I hate it - w.m

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A/N: For this part I'm honestly just gonna see where it goes because I feel like writing today 💀 so enjoy this 🥲

Wanda's POV:

Recently I've been noticing Y/N covering her face or mouth when she smiles or laughs and stops laughing if she's being a bit loud. Which is annoying, because I love her smile she's gorgeous and her laugh, oh my god it makes my day amazing.

Me and Y/N are having a Disney movie marathon, in a complete random order but nonetheless we're enjoying it. We're watching Lilo and Stitch at the moment - one of our favourites -

A scene comes on of stitch and I start giggling so much I don't even know what going on anymore. Y/N starts laughing too and I smile even more my grin widening so much my face hurts; she then puts her hand covering her smile. I slowly stop smiling, she's honestly stressing me out I love her smile and laugh it's like music to my ears. I guide her hand away from her face.

"Wands, stop," she says as she tries to contain her smile and laughter.

"But darling, I love your smile and your adorable giggles,"

Y/N's POV:

"But darling, I love your smile and your adorable giggles," that's what she says about my horrendous laugh, I beg to differ. I felt heat rising to my cheeks. I blushed a little, no, a lot.

Wanda always says she loves my smile, my laugh, but I hated it. I continued to hold Wanda's hand out fingers intertwined.

After the movie finished I was holding my laugh in from the last scene, I don't know why it was so funny. My right hand crept up to cover my smile as I was on the urge of cackling.
I tried to look away from Wanda so she didn't see me hiding behind my hand, I saw her head turn to look at me in the corner of my eye.

"Princess." She said softly but you could hear a hint of dominance in her voice.

"Mhm, hmm," i hummed in response not daring to open my house to release my frightening laugh, biting the inside of cheek.

She let go of my hand and carefully grabbed my jaw turning me towards her. I silently giggled to myself trying to calm down. As I looked at her she removed my hand very, very slowly. I got scared, I knew she was planning something in her head. We stared into each other's eyes until I was attacked by her hands swarming me, tickling me everywhere. I let out my giggles , wanting to cry of embarrassment.

Between my wheezing breathes I pleaded Wanda to stop.

She crawled on top of me straddling my waist, still torturing me. After my cheeks were blown red and I was out of breath she stop tickling me, placing both hands beside head trapping me.

She kissed my lips and trailed down my jaw teasing me and whispering into my ear, "sweetheart, your laugh is what brightens my day, I love the tiny wheezes you breathe out and your smile just is so contagious, so please don't ever hold your laugh in or cover your mouth because I don't think I can go without seeing your adorable smile,"

I was literally about to melt, a fuzzy feeling flew into me making me smile even more and just stare into her mesmerising emerald eyes.

"I love you" I say nervously still out of breath.

"I love you more, princessa," she kissed me pecking my lips a few more times after.

"You know you almost killed me there, what if I died," you say smirking at her, "Love, there's many ways I could kill you without even moving, I'm sure tickling isn't at the top of my list," She replied biting her bottom lip to try and contain her grin.

My eyebrows furrowed trying to comprehend what she just said, "you have a list of ways to kill your girlfriend?" Wanda just nudged my shoulder climbing off of me and laying beside me, tracing random shapes on my hand and sling my arm.

I hummed in satisfaction due to the contact. I snuggled closer to her, burying my head into the crook of her neck kissing it softly.

"So have we abandoned the whole 'I will stay up and watch every movie' comment?" Wanda teasingly questioned.

"Who said that?"

"What movie next my love?" I could hear her smiling as she said that.

"You can choose I chose the last one," I replied.
I heard the remote clicking and I turned around an looked at the tv as me and Wanda cuddled together, watching frozen.

Wanda's POV:

I felt Y/Ns body relax into me and then soon fall against me as she closed her eyes softly. I played with her hair lightly scratching her scalp. "Goodnight lovebug," I whispered to the person who feels like home, she is my home.

A/N: Not proof read so sorry if there are any mistakes.

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