Why did you call me Hailee? - e.o

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I haven't written in so long but I'm trying to so this will be very short and probably horrible

I can't even tell u who's pov this is for the chapter but I hope it makes sense

!Not proofread!

Word count: 925



These past few days have been pure bliss, Lizzie and I haven't had any work or interferences, allowing us to spend more time with each other.

A couple weeks ago, both Lizzie and I were in different places, shooting different films. The distance did put a new challenge on our relationship, since neither of us had been away from each other for more than a week. We would FaceTime and message one another daily, of course but nothing compares to this.

As much as I have enjoyed and loved everyday me and Lizzie have spent together, I feel as though I need to have some fun - not like that -. But the fun, will be fun. Hopefully.

I'm going to prank Lizzie again, my phones set up peaking just behind one of my plants as I lay in bed, reading one of my favourite books, The Seven Husbands Of Evelyn Hugo.

I've been obsessed with this book for the past few days, already re-reading it. As of my new obsession it's no different that I'm reading it, causing no suspicious to arise from my fiancé.

Is it a risk I'm doing this while we're planning our wedding?


Am I doing it anyway?

Well, I've set everything up now so I might as well.

My prank isn't necessarily a big plan, but I know Lizzie will react perfectly to it.

My prank will consist of me waiting for Lizzie to come home and I'll ask for a cup of tea, as usual, but instead I won't exactly say Elizabeth's name, I'm going to say 'Hailee' my
ex-costars name, there was some assumptions and rumours of us dating and Lizzie knows that, okay maybe this isn't a good idea.

I shouldn't be waiting much longer, Lizzie had gone out with one of her best friends, Aubrey, they hadn't seen each other in quite a while so Lizzie was excited to meet up with her previous co-star, allowing me to think of my amazing plan.

I begin to actually read the page of my book I was currently on, I was around the end of the book, deja-vu from the last time I finished the book, I was crying. Broken even. The book is so amazing yet heartbreaking.

Around five minutes later I hear the front door open, alerting Lizzie's arrival.

"I'm home!" She calls out.

"I'm just upstairs, love!" I say loud enough for her to hear.

My heart beats slightly quicker as I try to find the perfect time for my prank to finally start.

"Hailee, can I have a tea please?" I call out to Lizzie as I hear her walk up the stairs, her footsteps coming to a halt for a few seconds.

"What?!" She shouts slightly louder, assuming she heard my words wrong.

"Hails, can I have tea, please?" I say slightly louder than before, making sure she can clearly hear my words.

"Are you talking to me?" Her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Yeah" I shout back, I look over at the camera and try to stifle my laugh as I can practically hear her confusion.

"You called me Hailee?" She replies, I hear her footsteps as she hurriedly makes her way to our bedroom, "You called me Hailee? Why the fuck would you say 'Hails'?" She stands in the doorway, tilting her head at me and knitting her eyebrows together.

"I said 'babe, can I have a tea, please'" I lie, trying to hide the grin that wants to form on my lips.

"No you didn't" she shakes her head and sits down on the desk chair in our bedroom, pulling out her phone, "why would you say Hailee?" She looks over at me.

I chuckle softly, "I didn't say Hailee, sweetheart. Can I have a kiss?" I ask, seeing how she would react.

"Why did you say Hailee?" She demands for an answer.

I giggle softly and point backwards to where my phone was placed behind a plant point, the realisation on her face making me laugh even more, she's so done with me.

"You're so annoying" she huffs and shakes her head at me, rolling her eyes playfully at my antics, "come here, please" I grin widely, and wrap my arms around her waist as she gets closer to me.

"Hm? What do you want, Robbie?" She asks so naturally that it makes my jaw instantly drop, my eyes widening at her words making her giggle softly.

I shake my head in disbelief, honestly gobsmacked, "you know what-"

"What?" She whispers and straddles my lap, a teasing smirk on her lips as she tilts her head slightly to the side, my knees weakening at the action. "That's what I thought" she whispers into my ear, taking my silence as a victory.

Thank the gods I'm sitting on our bed right now, otherwise I definitely wouldn't be able to stand up right now. The simplest of things that woman does, make me internally scream.

"It's just too easy for me to shut your pretty mouth, baby." She teases, enjoying how easily she can bring me on my knees for her.


A/n: this chapter was probably so boring so I'm sorry


E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now