Cheating? - w.m

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A/N: Hopefully this is alright, I'm avoiding my homework to do this soooo..

Word count: 1408

Wanda's POV:

These past few weeks Y/N hasn't been acting the same. I mean yeah we have been okay. I think?

She's just been distant lately, like she's hiding something. I'm getting worried, she's never been like this before. Actually, I have noticed her and Natasha have been quite close lately, what if she's.. cheating? Surely she can't be right? God this is driving me insane.

Y/N's late to our date. It's only 10 minutes but still. I heard the door to the restaurant open, but I didn't dare to look.

"Darling, I'm so sorry, I um got caught up at the compound, finishing a mission report." She apologised, I wasn't buying it.

I've known my girlfriend for 6 years. I know when she's lying.

"It's okay don't worry," I sighed, looking up at her as she sat down. She looked gorgeous as always, god her eyes, her jawline, her hands. Okay I have to stop.

"No. No it's not, just- I'll make it up to you I promise my love," she smiled at me sincerely, that smile makes me melt inside, butterflies swarming my stomach.

The rest of the night we had our dinner, laughing, talking and just having our normal perfect date. Although my mind kept being taken over by the negative thoughts of her cheating on me, why did this thought have to swoop me up and bring me down.

The car ride home was silent, the gentle beat to the music playing in the background while Y/N gently hummed to the song.

-The next morning-

I snuggled closer to Y/N as our entangled legs were glued together and our bodies wrapped tightly around one another.

"Hey, morning darling," Her raspy morning voice spoke.

"Morning lovebug," I whispered as leant into her.

I felt Y/N reach over to the bedside table, probably to get her phone or something.

"Oh, shit," she muttered under her breath.

"What's wrong," i asked as I sat up.

"Oh, um, nothing I just kinda h-have to go and do something,"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her, searching for her eyes but she didn't even look at me.

"I'll ask again. What's wrong." I repeated. She better tell the truth or I swear to god I will find out.

"Nothing, Wands. Just work s-stuff." Her sentence trailed on and got quieter.

I raised my eyebrows and scoffed.

Y/N got out of bed, eager to go and do this "work" thing.

I'm actually getting worried now. Can she not trust me? Is she really cheating..? I can't do this, she needs to tell me the truth otherwise I'm finding out myself today..

"Y/N-" She knows whenever I call her by her actual name, instead of pet names, it's important.

"-where are you going and what's wrong?"

"Like i said a w-work thing. It's a-about the mission report I done yesterday, yeah. I'll be back soon, I'm sorry my love." She came up to me and kissed me on my lips for a few seconds like all was forgiven and just left.

What the fuck.

I grab my phone and start messaging Pietro because he can help me find what Y/N's doing plus his super speed will maybe help I guess. I dont know.

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