Merry christmas, my love - w.m

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Just Christmas fluff with Wanda

Warnings: slight injuries, blood

Word count: 2450



It's currently 9:28 pm on Christmas Day, I'm sitting on my doorstep, waiting for Wanda to come home. A couple of days ago she had been sent out on a mission, supposedly a simple, easy mission but as another day passed I knew it was worse.

Wanda has promised me she would be back by Christmas, I know she doesn't break promises, in fact, it was a pinky promise and she takes them seriously.

Wanda had left to complete the mission with Steve, Sam and Natasha. I've had updates from Clint who has been trying to reassure me for the past couple of days, while also receiving some updates from Wanda herself, informing me she's okay and should be back soon.

The mission was originally to get a piece of tech from an unknown building, assumed to be a current hydra base, but the longer I've awaited my girlfriend's arrival, the more I worry about her.

I'm wrapped up in a big puffer coat with a fluffy material on the inside of the clothing while also wearing a reindeer onesie that matches with Wanda's reindeer onesie. The two of us had previously planned to wear the onesies on Christmas so I'm trying to stick to our plan the best I can, just hoping to finally see Wanda.

Soft pieces of snow fall from the dark sky, my body shivering slightly from the coldness of the winter air.

I pull out my phone one more time, refreshing any app that could alert me of Wanda's appearance or even her safety, but I receive nothing, no notifications.

I've had many other ideas to do while waiting for Wanda, yet every one of them was something I wanted to do with the redhead, so my best option was sitting on our doorstep in the cold as I wait.

Wanda and I moved out of the compound a couple of months ago, our relationship building and progressing further, as to why I'm not waiting for her at the compound. She tends to arrive at our home first, claiming she needs to see me before anything else, although I complain due to her not being checked up on by Bruce or any other medical staff.

I scroll mindlessly through social media apps, hoping to distract my mind from any negative thoughts.

My ears suddenly pick up the perfect crunching sound of the snow, warning me of someone's presence. My eyes dart up quickly, my heart and mind only wishing it was Wanda.

"Moyà lyubov, what are you doing out here? You're going to get sick." She smiles lovingly over at me.

Her mission suit still on, her hair slightly ruffled while her nose and cheeks have a slight pink tint to them from the cold weather, and a couple of scratches on her face immediately worrying me.

I quickly get up, leaving my phone on the doorstep next to a cup of tea I had forgotten ages ago.

I rush over to my love, hugging her tightly whilst whispering repeatedly into Wanda's neck, "merry Christmas, merry Christmas, merry Christmas"

I place soft quick kisses around her neck and on her rosy cheeks.

Soft giggles elicit from my actions, "merry Christmas, dorogoya" She whispers softly, her accent more prominent because of her tiredness.

Her plump lips placing sweet kisses around my face making my cheeks flush a tinted red.

As we both go in to have another awaited hug I hear her grunt in pain, all of the worst possibilities, in an instant, swarming my mind.

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