I.. meant this.. - e.o

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I'm so tired rn but I'm trying to write something so this might not make any sense

This may end up being a part 1 and 2 thing but ig we'll see how it goes

!!Not proofread!!

Word count: 1581



I slowly being to stir awake, an arm wrapped around my waist making my brain lose everything for a second.

I was currently staying with one of my best friends, Elizabeth Olsen. We've both known each other for a few years now, our first encounter being related by a small indie movie we worked on together.

The reason as to why I was staying at her house was because I'm from the uk but because of a contract I had signed to play in a limited series for HBO the shooting had to be in LA, coincidentally where one of my best friends lived.

While staying at her house it's been quite.. difficult, I would say.

I could state thousands of reasons but one that has made my time living with Lizzie especially hard was that we had to sleep in the same bed together.

Yes, she has a spare room in her home but it was currently getting renovated, the room had no carpet, the walls were being painted and there was No furniture present in the room. Also, yes, I could sleep on the couch downstairs, but Lizzie wouldn't be Lizzie if she wasn't the kind, thoughtful woman she has always been.

The end result of that continuous argument was us sleeping in her bed.

Each day I would wake up and the blonde and I would somehow be cuddled up together or our limbs intertwined in some way, instantly making my cheeks become a deep shade of red. Sometimes I would just pretend to be asleep and wait for Elizabeth to wake up, not wanting to admit it but I did occasionally enjoy it.

My head turned to the side, looking over at the beauty besides me. Her blonde hair, which was dyed slightly more brunette for the past month, was sprawled out across her pillow and half of mine. Soft snores leaving her as she slept peacefully, her nose twitching adorably in her sleep.

My eyes trace over her calm features, the action becoming almost a routine for the past few days.

"Were you watching me sleep?" Her soft yet raspy voice reaches my ears, making my heart jump out of my chest, did she just catch me.. staring at her while she was sleeping.

A glint of amusement as she watched the horror and embarrassment wash over my face, "I-I- no, I wasn't, um, I just- I was, yes, but not in a creepy way I just.. didn't know whether to wake you or not" i stammer, my sentence sounding like a five-year-old trying to read a book.

A soft giggle erupts from the woman laying beside me, making my face flush an even darker shade of red.

"It's okay, darling, I know what it's like to wake up to such a breathtaking woman beside you" a teasing smile settles on her lips, her words and that fucking smile making my brain short circuit.

I nod slightly and look away from her intense gaze, unable to think of what to say, let alone reply to her words.

"I'll go make some breakfast for us, come downstairs in a few minutes and it should be ready" her teasing grin never falling as she gets out of bed, walking into the bathroom to do her usual morning routine before walking out of the bedroom.

I watch her walk away with a stunned expression, my head barely reactivating. This woman will be the death of me.

After I completed my short and simple morning routine in the bathroom I made my way downstairs, a quiet hum of music in the background of the kitchen as Lizzie sways her hips to the music, cooking what I can only imagine to be her most famous pancakes.

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now