Flower crowns - e.o

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I feel like I've been writing smut a lot recently so I thought I would try and write some fluffy stuff

Warnings: none

Word count: 1326



Our hands intertwined, bright smiles on both of our faces and flower crowns on top of both of our heads.

Lizzie had dragged me to a field she had found on a previous day when she went on a walk by herself, the field had dozens of colourful flowers and many magical scenery for me and Elizabeth to explore.

We were both walking around the land, looking for more flowers to use for our crowns. Lizzie had a few she was gently holding in her other hand while i on the other hand had a load of now crumpled flowers bunched up.

Elizabeth and I had only started dating pretty recently, just over a few of months or so. She's the most kind-hearted and interesting woman I have ever met, there was an instant attraction and force to the brunette that I had never experienced before.

"Okay, let's go, I wanna make you another one" her adorable smile shines as she pulls me back over to the red and white plaid blanket we had laid out, a few snacks and drinks lied out for us to share. I giggle softly at her giddy expression and I sit down on the blanket, placing the flowers I had gathered on my lap.

I quickly snack at the strawberries not before smothering them in some melted chocolate, quickly resuming my work as I began to make Lizzie another flower crown, the one she had on her head consisted of pink, purple and red flowers, with leaves too, but the next one will have yellow, blue and white flowers.

I glance up at my girlfriend who had a slight furrow between her eyebrows and her jaw clenched as she focused on conjuring one of the best flower crowns. She looked so adorable, wearing my brown jacket, a white shirt beneath and some blue jeans, such a casual outfit yet she makes it look effortlessly gorgeous.

Her green eyes peer back at me for a few seconds, a tinted pink blush spreading across her cheeks and to her ears once she caught me gazing at her. "You know, a picture would last longer" she teases, trying to fight off a small smile.

"We took a picture earlier but I mean if you're offering another one-"

She chucks a chocolate button at my forehead, "shut up" she mutters, unable to stop the huge grin on her lips.

I giggle softly and recommence my creation of a beautiful flower crown for my beautiful Elizabeth.

After a couple minutes of a comfortable silence, a little cheer falls past her lips, signalling that she had completed the flower crown that she's made for me, some blue, red and purple flowers tied neatly together with a couple of leaves and few other adorable things Lizzie had added.

"Wait, wait for me please" I try to quicken my attempts to finish the flower crown, my fingers fumble with the same action for years until I finally finished, "yay" I smile up at Lizzie once done.

"Come here, let me crown you" her usual contagious smile never falters or leaves her face, I sit up on my knees and waddle over to her, picking up my glass and a few snacks on my trip.

I sit beside her, carefully handling the crown in both of my palms as I await for her to go first of crowning me. I feel her thumb and forefinger take hold of chin, gently turning my face to look at her, she delicately lifts up the crown in her hands, firstly taking off the previous one then replacing it with the new one. Her focused eyes flickering between my eyes and the crown now settled upon my head.

"You have been crowned my princess" she whispers and giggles softly, leaning in slowly and tenderly pressing her lips against mine, her tongues swipes over my bottom lip, asking for entrance which I reluctantly decline. "Not yet" i mutter and pull slightly further away from her, i take a sip of the flute and quickly take some sweets, shoving them in my mouth, I wipe off my hands and delicately pick up the flower crown in my lap.

She laughs softly at my actions before tilting her head slightly towards mine. I take off the other crown and lay it beside me, while I position the vibrant crown upon her brunette hair.

There we go" i mutter and smile softly at Lizzie, "is that your ceremony speech?" An amused glint in her eyes.

"What would you like me to say?" I blush softly and take a sip of my drink before returning my attention back to her.

She shrugs and chuckle softly, "i don't know, but think I know you could do something better than any words" she whispers, a teasing smirk on her lips.

"Hm? And what might that be?" I quirk an eyebrow at the suggestiveness, "let me show you" she murmurs and leans closer to me, her lips press deeply against mine, the kiss soft yet full of passion.

I reciprocate the kiss and my hand cradles her jaw while she runs her fingers through my hair and places her hands on the back of my neck, pulling me closer to her.

After a couple of minutes of kissing, I pull away slowly, panting heavily due to the lack of oxygen.

"I love you" her words are barely audible but they make my heart flutter, the three words we had both been so scared of admitting sounded so genuine and easy to fall past her lips. My eyes search hers, looking for anything to say otherwise than her words but nothing was found, only honesty and adoration.

"I-I love you too" I whisper back, a growing smile on my lips, as I gaze lovingly into her eyes, a whole new bliss and sensation falling throughout me.

We both lean forward once more and kiss each other passionately, the feeling almost overwhelming as so many emotions erupt within the both us. She leisurely pulls away, an adorable grin on her lips as she stares into my eyes, "you do?" She whispers.

I nod gently and smile happily, "of course I do" i whisper back and quickly peck her lips a few times. "I love you so much" she giggles, her words making me feel an unimaginable feeling.


We're both laying down on the picnic blanket, her head rests on my chest with one arm draped over my waist, many of the thousands of flower crowns spotted around us.

The sun was currently setting, an orange and pink hue setting to the sky as we bathed in the relaxing moment.

I feel her soft fingers traces random patterns just above my hips underneath my shirt, while my fingers gently run through her hair. Her poem book we formerly read discarded to the side.

"Are you happy?" Her raspy, sweet voice reaches my ears, she repositions herself, sitting up slightly and leaning on her elbow to gaze down at me. "Yeah, are you?" I nod slightly and a soft smile tugs at the edge of my lips, she hums softly in respond and nods her head quickly, her cute smile reappearing.

"I really do love you so much, y/n" she whispers and she leans down closer to me, our face mere inches apart.

"I love you so much, Elizabeth" I whisper back, she nudges our noses against each other, giving me an Eskimo kiss that makes us both giggle quietly before finally she begins to place gentle kisses all over my face, eliciting laughter from the two of us.


A/n: I think this might be pretty boring but I thought it was kinda cute

Lizzie's look at the oscars omg I screamed

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