A little break - w.m

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A/n: kinda bored rn so I'm gonna write some fluffy stuff :)

Word count: 3022


Wanda's POV:

These past few weeks have been full of missions, training and stress. I've been on many missions over the past week and haven't gotten a break; the only time I've really rested was at night, in bed, with y/n.

My muscles are sore, a few cuts are barely healing due to me being overly active everyday. I've been stressed with mission reports, upcoming missions and many different things, all of which taking up my free time, if I get any.

Since I've been working so much lately that means other avengers have too. Including my girlfriend. We all need a break, even if it's for a day or two. I honestly don't know why so many crimes and bad guys have been doing annoying stuff but i would love for them to stop so I can just cuddle with my girlfriend or finish rewatching The Dick Van Dyke Show again and of course I'll force y/n to watch it with me too.

I haven't even seen y/n at all today actually, the only time we ever spend time with each other recently is in bed at night when we're both exhausted and just want to fall asleep.

But thankfully today I persuaded Tony to let me and y/n have a few days off, a mini break if you will. I may or may not have pulled the 'you killed my family' card, but it worked so I don't really care, I just need to spend some time with my girlfriend.

It's around 7:30am, my love shall we back soon and then I can allow my perfect plan to follow through, for my perfect y/n.


Hobbling through the compound, with Natasha by my side, holding me up with her arm tucked around my waist as my left arm around her shoulders. I've just arrived back from a mission, It was meant to be easy, in and out, but it was definitely not that. Let's just say I got ambushed by some super soldiers and they practically deceased my knee right there and then but also thought my ankle should feel a bit of pain. And it did, I did.

Bruce had checked me and Natasha in the medical room when we arrived, a few cuts stitched up and my leg checked out, I've got a sprained ankle ( it feels much worse than that ) and also a fracture in my knee. Due too Shuris technology -that she gave us generously since we done Wakanda a favour- Bruce was able to fix my knee and ankle up a bit, reducing the pain and the harm it actually did to the bones. Meaning that I should be able to walk normally within a day or even hours. (I have no clue about bones or injuries so don't come at me if I got any of this wrong, thank you.)

Natasha sits me down on the chair in the living room, falling down beside me, her body giving up. "You alright?" She questions looking towards me.

"Yeah, just tired now," I breathe out. She hums in response, getting up from her comfortable spot, a few seconds later returning with two bottles of beer, handing one to me. "Thanks," I smile up at her taking a few sips.

We both sit on the sofa leaning against each other, closing our eyes for a minute. "Do you know where Maria is?" Nat questions.

"Um, no? How would I know?" I question bluntly, chuckling a little.

She just rolls her eyes, "Here, let's get you up to Wanda so I can go and see my own girlfriend,"

"Wow, really nice Tasha. You don't even wanna stay with me, the injured one."

She just laughs and shakes her head, helping me up as we make our way to mine and Wanda's room. Us both sending shots at each other as we make our way to Wanda, giggling at the things we're saying to one another.

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