I wanted my bath - e.o

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Sorry for the lack of updates

This is chapter pretty uneventful but it's fluffy I guess

So I apologise for this chapter.

Word count:



Lizzie and I strolled through the park, our hands interlocked, a comfortable silence upon us.

Each of us wore layers upon layers of snug clothes, due to Lizzie forcing me to make sure I keep warm so I don't get sick.

We had just gone and gotten coffee around half an hour ago, needing some caffeine and the added warmth was a bonus.

"Bug?" Lizzie said quietly, trying not to disturb our comfortable aroma too much.

I hummed in response, looking around the park and seeing barely anyone, except a few people walking their dogs, then I looked over at my girlfriend.

She looked adorable, her sleeves slightly longer allowing her hands to find new comfort, her nose had a tinted pink stain due to the cold air, she's so undoubtedly perfect.

I look into her eyes and see her eyebrows raised with a smirk playing on the edge of her lips. Wait did she say something, I didn't even hear a thing, surely she didn't.

"Oh- um, sorry love, what did you say?" I question and feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

She smiles brightly, I could never get over her smile.

"I asked if you wanted to go back to my place?" She repeats for me.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind." I smile softly.

"Okay, let's go, because it's way too cold and I don't want my pretty girl getting sick." My cheeks flush again, how does she do this to me?


Lizzie's POV:

We both walked back to my house, and when walking through the front door a huge wave of warmth erupted over us both.

"Why don't you go warm up and have a bath, darling" I suggest, closing the door behind us both and taking my coat off.

"Will you be joining me?" She asks with a teasing tone, her bottom lip between her teeth, she's going to drive me crazy.

I smile shyly, "is that even a question?" I challenge, a sudden wave of confidence.

She laughs softly and rests her hands on my hips, pressing a soft kiss on my lips then leaving to go upstairs and run us a bath.

After my shoes and coat were finally off I walk into the kitchen, subconsciously snuggling further into the hoodie I was wearing, remembering the first time y/n gave it to me.

I pull the hoodie up to my nose and sniff the comforting scent. It's not creepy okay.

"Ew, don't be a creep"

I jump at the voice, my body already shivering from the coldness outside.

"Wh-" I'm so confused.

"Yes we're here, we came to visit our little sister, is that such a crime?" MK's voice speaks again, Ashley giggling at my reaction.

Why are they here, not that I don't miss them, I do, but I want my bath, with y/n.

"Yes, it is when you break in" still startled and confused.

"I told you we should have told her" Ashley's voice speaks up, her eyes now focused on the tv, changing the channel.

"Oh it's fine, we needed to meet her wife who's got her all smitten" they both laugh, my face burning red at her words, well mainly one word.

"I hate you both" Is all I can say and process right now.

Mary-Kate just rolls her eyes and diverts her attention to the TV like ash. "So where is this y/n we've been hearing about every day?"

"Not every day" I mumble and go over to where they were on the couch in the living room.

"She's just running us a bath" I sigh, I wanted that bath.

"Us?" Ashley teases while MK just smirks.

I really do hate them.

"Love?" I hear y/n call down, her steps being heard as she makes her way towards us, unknown to my two sisters who broke into my house.

"Don't be mean to her, I know you both don't have a filter" I mutter to my sisters before getting up and going to y/n before she sees the twins.

"The baths ready" she smiles over at me.

God her smile.

"Well, there's a tiny problem"

"What do you mean?"

I Look over at the two making themselves at home in the living room, making y/n glance where my eyes were looking at.

Her face darts from confusion to nervousness, my hands holding hers and rubbing my thumb over her knuckles calmingly. "They arrived unannounced, so don't be nervous they will love you and they may be a little.. judgemental?"

I say trying to give a reassuring speech but seeming to only make my love more nervous.

"Sweet girl, just be yourself" I whisper softly and kiss her gently before leading her over to my sisters.

"MK, ash, this is y/n" I introduce them, feeling nervous myself, only wanting them to love y/n as much as I do.

"So, you're the girl who miss smitten over here won't stop talking about?" MK teases and smirks, my face flushing pink and red.

"Well, I Hope so" y/n smirks teasingly over at me with a pink-tinted blush on her cheeks.


Around 3 hours later the evil twins finally left. The encounter between them all left me smiling to myself, they got along so well, mainly because they only bullied me, but I don't really care right now.

I feel a pair of arms wrap gently around my waist, and a light kiss is placed on my neck making my stomach flutter.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know they were coming, I hope you didn't feel too pressured or anything." I sigh, not wanting my y/n/n to feel uncomfortable.

"It's fine, I didn't feel anything bad, I was just happy I met your sisters, even though I was unprepared." She Mutters. I spin around in her arms and kiss her softly but deeply, needing to feel her.

I wrap my arms around the back of her neck and then pull away slightly and whisper with a bright smile. "I love you so much"

"I love you so much more" she whispers back, almost challenging.

"That's not possible" I scoff playfully and lean in to connect our lips once again.


A/n: sorry no updates I've been so busy recently and also sorry for this chapter it's kinda boring💀

E.O / W.M - ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now