cuddles - w.m

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A/N: off school rn so thought I should try and write a bit.

Y/N's POV:

My slumber getting disturbed as I felt little kisses being placed on my neck, then leading up to my face.

A small smile set on my lips while a special read headed witch places a soft kiss on my nose.

"Good morning, dorogoy (sweetheart)," she whispered into my ear before snuggling back into my side, her head finding it's way back to the crook of my neck. "Morning," i managed to get out, my eyes still shut.

Wanda's legs wrapped around my waist, with her arms tightly around me, making sure I wouldn't leave her. I groaned, moving around a bit to get comfier.

Her light breathes pressing against my skin as we lay in silence, enjoying each other's presence. "I'm hungry,"

I giggled a little, "do you wanna go and get food then, or are you just gonna cling onto me?" I half questioned and half sarcastically asked her.

"Hmm, I'm deciding," her raspy voice met my ears making my body tingle.

"Stay." She whispered, before I heard little snores leaving her mouth and her grip loosening the tiniest.

I laughed to myself, playing with her hair while she fell back to sleep.

A knock on the door pulled me out from my sleepy state. "What," I grumbled, kinda loudly but not loud enough for Wanda to wake up from. Steve walked through the door and smirked when he saw the situation I was in.

"There's a shield agent who will be staying here for a while, so I need you and Wanda to give them a tour of the compound and just help them get settled in."

"Um, I'm not sure that's gonna work,"

I felt Wanda groan against me and try to move closer to me than she already was.

"Go away," she murmured

Steve just chuckled and said while walking out of our room, "be downstairs in 5 minutes, no longer,"

I sighed and whispered to Wanda, "my love, we have to get up,"

She shook her head.

"Please, it will be quick and then we can come back and cuddle for the rest of the day,"

I started shuffling trying to get out of her grip.

"Nooooo," she whined, holding onto me tighter.

—— 4 minutes later ——

I was walking down to where the agent was with Wanda still attached to me.

Her legs still wrapped around my waist, her head pressed into the crook of my neck and her arms still squeezing me tightly.

"I love you," she quietly spoke, I could feel her smiling into me.

"Mhm, I love you too,"

Approaching the new brunette girl, she gave me a confused look before I spoke to her.

"I know," you state with a sigh, "you'll get used to seeing me with her literally wrapped around me," I chuckled half seriously and half not.

"I'm y/n and this is my girlfriend Wanda,"

"Hahah, hi im Daisy, nice to meet you both," she giggled.

—— 2 hours later ——

"Lovebug?" Wanda spoke


"More cuddles?" She asked with puppy eyes and a pouty face. How does she expect me to say no to her.

I just get back in bed with her and stay like that for the rest of the day.


A/N: this is pretty short and I don't know if this is any good but yeah🥲

How are you guys?

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