The chase is on

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I laced my running shoes and double knitted them before heading out on my run. After pulling my hair into a ponytail, I jogged down the stairs.

Cory stood in the kitchen doorway and sipped his coffee as his hair stuck up all over, and his eyelids were heavy. "It's unnatural for people to run this early."

"If you went to bed at a decent hour, you would have the energy to run with me." I shrugged.

"Yeah, no. If you run, the boys won't catch you. Then I won't listen to Devin bitch."

I snickered.

Brian trudged down the steps, groaning and yawning. He stretched as he padded by us. "I need coffee like yesterday."

"You need to stop hanging out on the corner!" Cory yelled into the kitchen.

"Screw you, Cory!"

I shook my head, turned, marched to the front door, and left. I would instead run than listen to my brothers argue. I jogged in place while opening my running app on my watch. When it counted down, I started on my daily run.

I kept an even stride and focused on my breathing as the soles of my running shoes hit the pavement. Within twenty minutes of my run, someone fell in step with me.

"How far are we running today?" Rafe asked.

"I figured through the trail and back. Do you think you can handle it?" I shot Rafe a glance.

"Let's do it."

We headed towards the trail in the woods near the middle school. The ground had an uneven terrain, which provided more of a workout. Plus, the course was similar to cross country at school.

We reached the trail's opening and ran while keeping an even pace. Once we got to a marker, we stopped to catch our breath.

I rested my hands on my waist and calmed my breathing. "Tired?"


"I wasn't aware you ran." I paced around as my heart rate eased.

"Run, lift weights, swim." Rafe shrugged with his hands on his waist. "It keeps me in shape. Why do you run?"

"Running gives me clarity and peace. I think better after I run."

"How about after our run, we grab a coffee and breakfast?"

"Are you buying?" I quirked my eyebrow.


I tilted my head and squinted.

"Loser buys." Rafe took off down the pathway.

"That's a dirty trick, Harper!" I ran after him.

"Yeah, but it got your ass in gear!"

I shook my head and picked up my pace until I reached Rafe. We raced each other through the pathway and headed back towards the bakery. I got to the bakery first as Rafe slowed down and stopped.

"Ha! I won!" I pointed at him. "You get to buy breakfast."

Rafe put up his hands. "A deal's a deal."

I grabbed the door handle and opened the door as Rafe followed me inside. We strolled over to the counter.

"You're up early," a guy mentioned to Rafe.

"We were doing our daily run."

"What can I get you?"

"Give us two coffees, a blueberry muffin, and a breakfast sandwich."

"You got it." The guy turned and grabbed our order.

The Harper Brothers: All Bets Are Off (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now