Something goes bump in the night

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Halloween arrived, and we ventured to the haunted house. I'm not sure if this was a grand idea because we enjoy scaring the piss out of people.

Casper gave us directions to the infamous haunted house, but we pulled up to an abandoned insane asylum.

Romeo got out of the car and looked across the car's roof at Casper. "Where the hell did you send us?"

"My grandpa gave me the address and said this is where they're hosting the haunted house."

"Did your grandpa intend to send us to a nuthouse?" Pat asked.

"My grandpa treats people with mental disorders. Why would he send us to a place like this on purpose?"

"Because your grandpa has a twisted sense of humor." Marty shrugged.

"Have you met my grandpa?"

"Yes, we have since he's our therapist, you halfwit," I said, walking toward the abandoned building.

"Everyone has jokes." Casper shook his head.

I checked the front door and found it locked. Then I checked around the decrepit building for an opening. Someone slammed into my back, making me stop. I craned my head to find Reese up my ass. It's not that I don't enjoy my girl close to me, but not at some abandoned nuthouse.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Sticking close to you because this place gives me the heebie-jeebies."

I turned around and looked at Reese. "Did you just say heebie jeebie?"



"Why not?"

"Because it's weird."

"So is visiting an abandoned insane asylum on Halloween."

"Fair point." I twisted and started walking. "Let's see if this place is open."

"And what if some lunatic is roaming the place?"

"We'll throw Romeo at them and run like hell."

Reese giggled. Romeo can take one for the team since he has some weird animal magnetism. Plus, he drags me into his schemes. Barracuda, anyone?

We walked around the building, peering into windows and stepping over branches as broken glass crunched under our shoes. With each door, I checked the handle to find it locked until we found an open one.

"Hey! I found an open door!" I yelled to the others.

We heard rustling and crunching as everyone made their way to us. When everyone reached us, I opened the door. Each person grabbed it as everyone entered the empty building.

Val propped the door once everyone was inside. Well, I give my big brother credit. He uses his brain, unlike the others.

Val rejoined us, pulled out his phone, turned on his flashlight, and flashed it around the darkened building. "Use the flashlight on your phones, so you don't trip and get hurt."

"What are we waiting for?" Pat asked.

My brothers and I glanced at each other and smiled, then we split up and started exploring the building. I took Reese with me while the others took their significant others except for Marty because he's "just friends" with Bailey. Yeah, okay.

Reese followed me down a hallway until we found a stairwell and climbed the stairs. "You and your brothers seem like you've done this before."

I shined my light before me, so we didn't trip. "We tend to explore abandoned places. Our curiosity didn't thrill our parents when they found out. Dad said it was dangerous because of the weakened structure of the building."

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