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We returned to campus after spring break ended. My brothers' and cousins' rashes were fading, thanks to Bailey. I slept on the couch because I'm not a complete idiot. That shit is highly contagious.

You would think that as many times as we stayed at the cabin, my idiot family would remember what poison ivy looks like. Yeah, they weren't too bright.

While Reese and I settled into our routine, Bailey and Marty struggled with friendship, possibly turning romantic. What am I saying? It's only a matter of time before they quit denying the truth.


The director from the summer dance program was visiting the class to choose who he would invite. Even though my dance teacher claimed I had a spot waiting for me, the director decided.

If I landed a spot, I would have an excellent opportunity to dance in a company and earn money for medical school. I had one shot at making a spot since there were only three available openings.

"Okay, class." The teacher clapped, getting our attention.

We turned our attention to the teacher, the summer dance director, and another young, attractive guy with black hair standing with them.

"I want to introduce you to Director Smith and one of his principal dancers, Adam Burris," the teacher said.

My jaw slacked as I gaped at Adam Burris. I've seen him perform, and he was magnificent.

"Director Smith, if you would." The teacher gestured her open palm to us.

"Thank you, Professor Minkin." Director Smith smiled.

Professor Minkin gave Director Smith a slight nod before taking a seat.

Director Smith strolled toward us with his hands clasped behind his back and inspected each dancer. "My summer dance program has an opportunity for dancers to become a part of my dance company. Most of you have seen Adam perform." Director Smith gestured to Adam.

The girls swooned at the sight of Adam. I swooned because of his fantastic dancing techniques.

"Adam will assist me during the summer program with each dancer."

The girls in class squealed as Adam chuckled.

"You will need to meet three criteria before I accept you into my summer program. I will need to see your technique. We will test your flexibility. And the final criteria as your weight and appearance. I expect my dancers to represent my company properly."

I knitted my brows because Director Smith's dancers had a distinct look. I didn't fit their description.

"Each will dance with Adam during the audition process. Let's get started, shall we?" Director Smith gave us a slight nod before settling into a chair.

"Okay, ladies. This is your chance to shine for Director Smith." Professor Minkin clapped and strode over to a record player.

We sat down as each girl had an opportunity to dance with Adam. I waited for my turn as I watched Adam dance with my classmates. With each person, my hopes became dashed because they proved better than me. Plus, I wasn't lithe and had colored hair.

After each dance, Director Smith asked the girl to leave the studio. One by one, chairs emptied as I waited for my turn until I was the last one.

"Bailey Weston," Director Smith said.

I rose from my seat and took tentative steps toward Adam until I stood in front of him. My brows crumpled, and my forehead wrinkled as I wrung my hands.

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