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Rage surged through my veins as Romeo stood on my right and Rafe stood on my left. Memories of that day flashed before my eyes. I rubbed my wrists as his voice echoed in my ears.

Valentine. The word rolled off his tongue in a sing-song.

Fury blinded my vision with every memory crashing over me. The whimpers and cries as I struggled while the zip ties pressed into my wrists and ankles. Screams echoed in my ears except for one. I glanced sideways at Rafe, who narrowed his eyes to a slit. I shifted my eyes to Romeo, whose jaw tightened and fists clenched.

We weren't those terrified kids anymore. Our fury held no bounds with this sick fuck.

We darted around the house to the back door. I grabbed the frame and slammed the sole of my boot into the door until it flew open. Romeo, Rafe, and I hurried into the house until Trevor spun around with a gun held to Kadia's head.

"Look who joined us." Trevor smirked.

Romeo held his hand down next to his leg and signaled to Pat. Pat nodded and signaled to Marty. Marty gestured to Liam and Casper.

My brothers and cousins rose from their seats without a sound. Before Trevor reacted, Liam tapped Trevor's shoulder. Trevor turned his head as Liam slammed his fist into Trevor's face. Trevor loosened his grip on Kadia. I waved her to me. She dashed around me.

Casper and Hayes ushered the girls towards us.

Liam snatched the gun from Trevor's hand. "You won't need this since my cousins deserve their turn with you. He's all yours, cousins." Liam stepped away from Trevor.

My brothers and I surrounded this prick while Casper and Liam led the girls and Hayes outside.

He spat blood from his mouth and chuckled. "You're still those gullible boys who believed everything I said. Didn't anyone tell you that you'll anger mommy and daddy because you didn't listen? I enjoyed the whimpers and cries as I played with your hair."

Rafe glared at Trevor.

Trevor glanced at Romeo. "Or when you screamed to stop."

Romeo glowered at Trevor.

"Or you whimpered because you couldn't yell."

Pat pressed his lips into a thin line.

"Or when you cried."

Marty's jaw clenched, and his fists balled.

Trevor turned his attention to me. "Or when I spoke your name. Valentineeeee."

My rage erupted as I charged Trevor and slammed into him, knocking him off his feet. He rolled over and got
on his hands and knees. I hauled off and kicked him in his ribs. He fell onto his side. I stalked over to him, grabbed him, lifted him, and threw him into the wall. He fell to the ground and got to his feet slowly. I didn't wait as I gripped his hair, yanked his back, and slammed my fist into his face.

My brothers stood there and watched as I unleashed my pent-up rage. Each time my fist connected with this asshole's face, my brothers' faces flashed before my eyes. We weren't those kids that believed a sick fuck anymore.


My fist slammed into Trevor's face again until someone caught my fist before I hit him again. I turned my head as Dad held my fist in his hand and shook his head.

"He's not worth you losing your freedom."

I released Trevor as his body hit the floor with a thud. I sat back on my knees as Dad released my hand. I looked up at the ceiling and heaved a scream. Then I lowered my head and covered the back of my head with my hands. My body shook as sobs wracked it.

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