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I changed my running route so that Rafe wouldn't find me. My watch vibrated with messages as I ran. I stopped to check my messages and found messages from the girls.

Where are you? - Sage

Why aren't you answering? - Rowan

What the hell, Reese? - Bailey

Can you please call us? - Leokadia

I pressed the button on my watch and returned to my run. I got no more than ten feet until my watch vibrated again.

What the hell, Reese? Where are you?

I knitted my brows at the random number.

Don't make me ping your watch.


Yeah, why aren't you answering your messages? Why did you change your route?

I was running, and I don't need a babysitter. I'm fine.

You're not fine.

Are you spying on me?

No, I told you that it's not safe to run alone.

There's no one out here except me, myself, and I.

That's where you're wrong.

I stared at my watch, then glanced around until my eyes landed on Rafe standing ten feet from me. I rolled my eyes and walked towards him. "What are you doing here?"

"Hunting your stubborn ass down."

"I said I was fine."

"Then why did you change your route?"

"I wanted to try something new." I shrugged.

Rafe rubbed his head in frustration. "Reese, it takes one time for you to disappear."

"Shouldn't you be in your room pouting?"

Rafe narrowed his eyes to a slit and clenched his jaw.

"You're fine. I'm fine. We're all fine. Now excuse me, I need to finish my run." I turned and started running.

Within minutes, Rafe was running alongside me. I didn't say anything but focused on my run. Why bother? One minute, he's flirty. The next, he pushes me away.

Instead of racing to the bakery, I headed to the house. Once we reached the front door, I entered, walked past everyone, and ran upstairs.


I closed the front door as Reese ran upstairs.

"I see you found Reese." Romeo yawned and sipped his coffee.

My jaw tightened.

"Was it necessary to wake us up?" Bailey asked.

"Yes, when Reese changes her running route," I said.

My irritation was evident. Everyone glanced at each other but didn't respond.

"Rafe, Reese has been running alone for years," Sage said.

My head snapped to Sage. "Why is that okay?"

Sage's mouth opened.

I crept towards Sage until I was face to face with her. "Why doesn't anyone care whether Reese is safe or not?"

"Who says we don't care?" Rowan asked.

My head whipped around to Rowan. "Then explain why I'm the only one who gives a shit about what happens to Reese."

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