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"put me down" Jungkook protested while Taehyung carried him over his shoulder, "Not a chance baby" he  said with a smirk and smacked Jungkook's ass, who still kept trying to get out of his grip.

About a week ago, soon after Jungkook's graduation from pharmacy school, they signed the lease to their new apartment. It was bigger, and much fancier if Taehyung could help it "I want you to have everything" Taehyung said deciding  to go  for the biggest apartment, with the best view and the best of everything. He could afford it, so why not, he figured.

Taehyung was good at his job, too good, some would say, given how old he was, by the age of 28 he was being considered for a CEO position at his company. In as much as some people felt that he was too young, they couldn't deny the fact that he deserve all the praise he was getting, because yes, he was that good and it seemed that he was only going to keep getting better.

At 23, when he first started working at Bang Pd production studios , he had  made up his mind about how he wanted his career to go. He always did as he was told and more, it didn't take too long for him to be recognized around the company that promotions were guaranteed.  It would appear that it only took him  5 years to become a major executive at the company,  a position that took much longer for most, but he knew, he knew it took much longer than five years for him to get here, to be  able to afford a multi million dollar apartment to share with the love of his life, he knew.

"Welcome home" Taehyung finally said, placing Jungkook on his feet, Jungkook huffed at him, blowing away the hair that had settled on his face. Due to being so focused on his state exams, he never made  time  to care about his hair that it grew out, and seeing how Taehyung loved playing with it, he was glad he let it grow out.

It took him a few seconds until he registered his surroundings, "Oh Tae" he said in amazement as he looked at the fully furnished apartment. He was under the impression that they would do home shopping together, but clearly Taehyung had other plans, but then again he was much better at this stuff than he was, but there is no way he is admitting that, not until he has made a little fuss about it.

"Its perfect" Jungkook said as he walked around scanning the place. "Only the best for you" Taehyung said, walking up behind Jungkook and wrapping his arms around his waist. "Plus, I doubt your parents will allow you to live with me if I had gotten anything less than perfect for their son" he said placing light kisses on Jungkook's neck.

And he was right, Jungkook came from a very wealthy family, one of the wealthiest families in Korea, his parents always gave him everything, he was their baby and even though he was 23 now, a university graduate about to start working, something he didn't need to do in their opinion, they still pampered him. If it were up to them, the Jeons would buy him a car every year after his 18th birthday.

 "Dad, I said I don't need a car, we already have a driver" 20 year old Jungkook whined to his father , who simply smiled and said "you will not say no to this one"

Jungkook's mouth fell open when he was greeted by a red Ford Mustang in the drive way, "Dad you didn't" he said with his hand over his mouth. "Of course he didn't" his mom said walking towards them, " I did" she said with a smile, "your dad wanted to get the black one, but I remembered how you were gushing about this red card a few weeks ago, and I knew the red one was it" .

 "I don't know what to say" Jungkook said looking at his parents. "We  are not doing this just for fun young man, you better keep your grades up or else, we will return this car" his dad said, in a failed attempt to sound serious and Jungkook just smiled at him. His mom pulled him in for a hug "we are really proud of you baby, you are doing so well in school and you deserve this"- "Thank you" Jungkook said holding on to her tighter, he was grateful more than he knew how to express. Three years later, he still had the same car, refusing to buy a new one.

"So you decided to go home shopping without me huh?" Jungkook said as he tilted his head allowing Taehyung to continue with his little task that he had going on. "Shhhh, lets not focus on that right now baby" Taehyung said as his hands slid under the younger's shirt. He ran his hands across his torso earning him a gasp from the younger. 

Jungkook compared to Taehyung had a slightly lean body, but still perfectly toned and defined muscles, he was a few inches shorter than Taehyung, who had a much broader build which Jungkook loved. Taehyung was still kissing his neck leaving hickeys, as he moved up to the back of Jungkook's ear, "Tae...." Jungkook moaned at that action, but mostly because of the other's arousal that pressed on his butt.

Taehyung spun him around and connected their lips, kissing him slow as his hands roamed around Jungkook's body, Jungkook had his hands around Taehyung's neck. The kiss got deeper and  hot as he lightly bit  the younger's lower lip, his hands moved down to Jungkook's butt, pressing him firmly on his front, that made Jungkook let out a gasp. He pulled away to look at him, "Let me properly welcome you home my love" he said lowering down to pick up Jungkook , then started walking to their bedroom with the youngers legs wrapped around him...

Its good to be home...


This is what I had in mind when I was talking about Jungkook's car, and the song felt fitting, it has a vibe to it

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This is what I had in mind when I was talking about Jungkook's car, and the song felt fitting, it has a vibe to it. My chapters are still quite short, I will try to make them a bit longer over time⏳💜

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And yes, its rich boys around here, filthy rich for that matter.🤌

And also double update for today...Take care of your beautiful selves, don't forget to drink water and get enough sleep

Love, BunnyReads💜

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