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"Congratulations Mr. Kim" Taehyung has been hearing this statement since the end of the board meeting that was held earlier that morning, he was the new CEO of Bang Pd. Ent-Korea. This meant a lot of change.

It took a lot of convincing for  Chairman Kang and the board of director to let him leave after their lunch. They have been showering him with complements since the day begun and his mouth was hurting at this point from all the smiling.

He was the most qualified for the position ,seeing how everything he worked on had excellent results when he was an executive director. He worked well with every team he had been appointed, they were going to miss him, since now he will have different responsibilities.

Chairman Kang very pleased to say the least, everyone but Taehyung could tell that the old man was very fond of him. He received monthly reports of Taehyung's performance, and he was always pleased with what he got. Even though  he had a soft spot for him, he didn't interfere with him being appointed as ceo, he wanted the next ceo to be someone who was actually qualified for the position.  


To Jungkook was basically beaming,  was an understatement as he sat next to Taehyung with his parents in front of them.

"So Mr. Ceo, how does it feel?" It was Joon asking as he walked in from the kitchen with Jin following behind him. Taehyung laughed at the question, "must feel great ey" Jimin asked. "It's , it's okay I guess, I just got appointed today after all" Taehyung replied with a chuckle.

Soon everyone was settled around the table, they kept congratulating Taehyung on his new position. Jungkook appeared to be the happiest of them all, he knew Taehyung had been working hard to move up in his career and well, his work surely paid off.

"So, are you two getting married now?" the older Jeon blurted  out, surprising everyone. "Oh dad" Jungkook protested, feeling somewhat flustered, "honey, you can't just ask things like that" his wife said lightly hitting him.

The question remained unanswered as everyone ended up laughing, but Taehyung didn't miss the chance the hold Jungkook's hand and squeeze it a bit, paring that with a reassuring smile.

The night was beautiful, everyone was curious about what it was like being a Ceo, did it mean more work or less given how big the company was. Everyone joked about how it definitely meant a bigger pay and that led to questions as to whether the couple will buy a house.

Soon everyone got ready to leave as the older Jeons said they were too tired to stay up any longer. "We are going to the club" Jimin whispered to Jungkook who tried to hide his excitement as he kissed his parent goodnight before they headed out.

Soon after driving for a while, the six of them pulled over at one of Sugar's clubs. "Oh finally, I have been swamped with work" Jin said taking Joon's hand as they all walked in.

Jungkook was glued to Taehyung , playing with his hair. Taehyung later led them to the dance floor , Yoongi decided they should change the music to something slow for the couple. It was a special night, with Taehyung becoming ceo and all.

Soon enough, since it was a club after all, the music was fast and loud again, Jungkook was now dancing with Jimin while Jin was hipping them up. The other three were chatting at the bar, the whole time, Taehyung had his eyes  on Jungkook.

"Hey, no one will steal him" Yoongi said jokingly, "Yeah, it's just great to see him so happy and free like that" Taehyung replied taking a sip from his drink. "Are you two getting married now?"  the question from earlier suddenly popped up in his head.

His eyes were following every single one of Jungkook's movements, God he loved  him, and would do anything to preserve that smile. But Jungkook was only 23, was it too soon to pop the question? He lightly shook his head, realizing he was thinking of that in a club, "later" he mentally told himself as he walked over to join the others at the dance floor.


Jungkook was a bit drunk as they walked through the front door, "baby" Taehyung said trying to steady him. Soon as Taehyung locked the door Jungkook was latched on his neck, leaving wet kisses in his wake.

His hands were fumbling with Taehyung's belt, Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. He held the other face in his hands, "yeah?" he asked , "yes" Jungkook replied with a nod, "am not that drunk" he added pulling the other down to his height to kiss him. Taehyung hooked his arm beneath his thighs and picked him up.

Taehyung typically didn't get drunk, and specifically avoided getting drunk when he was out with Jungkook, but because Jungkook had really low alcohol tolerance it was easy for him to get drunk from about 2 cans of beer. And was often very touchy when that happened, but Taehyung always made sure if the other was really up for it. Sometimes Jungkook would fall asleep mid way his sloppy seduction act, so nothing more happened.

He didn't want to Jungkook to ever be in a position where he can't remember what happed to him, even though he knew the other trusted him. Once Jungkook had woken up, having been so drunk the previous night he didn't even remember how he got home. There was concern in his voice when he asked Taehyung if anything happened the previous night, ever since then, Taehyung always made sure to check and ask first.

Jungkook's giggles were music to his ears as he sat on the bed with the other on his lap, "congratulations" Jungkook said tucking some hair behind Taehyung's ear. Taehyung tightened his hold around  his waist. "I always want you to have everything" he said kissing his shoulder.

"I am very proud of you" Jungkook continued


"yeah, you worked hard to get here, and am happy for you"

"So....." Taehyung begun as he flipped them over, landing Jungkook on his back as he hovered over him, "...how does it feel to have a ceo boyfriend hmmm?" he asked rubbing their noses together.

Jungkook was giggling beneath Taehyung as he continued to tease him, "I love you" he said pulling the elder down to connect their lips

"I love you too baby"

Hey hey

I hope you have been well, I have been swamped with school and little dose of procrastination.... uggggghhhh

There will be a double update today, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, we got a ceoooooo

Okay, bye bye

Love Tally

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