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Jungkook woke up in a unfamiliar bed, he looked around, noticing white bed sheets, his eyes soon landed on a drip that was attached to his hand, he was in a hospital and it appeared to be morning.

He looked to his side, noticing his mom sleeping on the couch next to his father, what was he going to tell them, how can he face them, seeing them laying there looked too familiar they must  be disappointed in him .

Without realizing it he was crying, for a lot of reasons, but right now, he felt like a bad son, an ungrateful son. He was supposed to go to university and make his parents proud, he should at least do that much, but here he was in a hospital bed, so many thoughts were going through his head.

His breaths were  becoming deep  and uneven, he tried to keep it low, but he was hurting. His mother was the first to hear him, quickly running to his side as his father followed.

"Honey, honey it's okay" she said pulling him in for a hug, "it's okay" but this seemed to only make him cry even more. It broke his parents hearts seeing him like that, who ever did this was going to pay, they were going to make sure of that.

"Am sorry" he kept murmuring , he felt guilty for making his parents be in this position, his head was spinning and soon he fell asleep in his mother's arms, he was incredibly tired.

They had just flown back in the country when they received the news about their son being in the hospital. They didn't stop by the house, but drove straight to the hospital from the airport when they heard.

They were greeted by a trembling Jimin, he was scared, how was he going to explain this to Jungkook's parents, their son was everything to them and he took him to a club. He was so scared, but when Mrs. Jeon saw him, she simply hugged him and tried to calm him down, she knew how close the two were and seeing how the poor boy was shaking like a leaf, it broke her heart.

Yoongi who was in a much better state explained to them what happed, they wanted to thank Taehyung but he wasn't with them because after he got Jungkook to the hospital he went to the police station to give his statement.

"Honey its okay, it wasn't your fault, you were doing the right thing giving him a chance to go out and have some fun. Its not your fault okay" Mrs. Jeon was still comforting Jimin who had started to cry at this point.


Hours later Jungkook woke up, this time his parents were awake sitting next to him, they both stood up to embrace him. "Hi honey" his mom greeted, "are you feeling better now?" she asked, brushing hair from his face, He nodded in response.

"Am sorry am putting you through this again" he said in a low voice as he fumbled with his fingers.  "You don't have to be sorry for anything son, you did nothing wrong", his father said taking his hands in his.

His parents knew why he was apologizing, when he was younger there were many nights they spent at the hospital because of him. He would faint when he experienced some sort of stress or have terrible night mares that he would faint from having cried so much.

There were seemingly endless visits to the therapist. It took a while, so many nights at the hospital but they didn't mind, it was their son and they would always put him first. All that mattered was that he was getting better.

And now it broke their hearts, seeing him like this, carrying this guilt as if he had done something wrong.

They talked for a bit longer comforting him before the doctor walked in. They agreed that it was okay for Jungkook to hear the test results.

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