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"Welcome chairman Kang"

The old man strolled through the company's lobby, earning greetings and bows from the employees. 

"Is the president in" the chairman asked as he stood in front of Ji-ho, Taehyung's secretary. She was surprised to say the least. Over the past 3 years she has worked at the company, she has never had any up close interaction with the chairman. But that was probably going to change given the fact that her boss was now the ceo.

'y-yes sir" she replied as she stood up. The chairman along with his secretary proceeded to enter Taehyung's office.

"Ah Ji-ho, perfect timing" Taehyung said without looking up to see who it was. He was surprised to see the chairman in his office, unannounced for that matter. 

"Chairman Kang" he said leaving his seat to greet the man, who appeared to be very relaxed, as opposed to his surprised state.

Now seated and drinking the tea that was just served the chairman started apologizing for dropping by unannounced. "Oh, no sir you don't have to apologize for that, it's okay"

"I need you to go to our branch in the states, there is an issue I need sorted out and I can only trust you with it" as the chairman spoke, his secretary handed Taehyung a folder and a usb. "When?"                                                                                                                                                            "tomorrow".


"For how long" Jungkook asked as he sat opposite Taehyung, "a week" the other replied, "but if everything get's sorted out soon, I can be back in three days"

Jungkook leaned over and rested his head on Taehyung's chest, he would be lying if he said he wasn't a bit upset about the other's sudden travel. But perhaps that's what being a ceo comes with.

Taehyung held him in his arms until he fell asleep.

He hated having to leave him, but he also needed live up to his position as ceo. The chairman's abrupt visit resulted in him having to rescheduled his whole day and now this trip meant he will again have to make changes. He didn't hate the work, he just didn't want it to take over his whole life again.


Jungkook woke up to flowers and a note on the dresser. "I wanted you to get more sleep, I love you, I will see you soon" Jungkook smiled as he sniffed the flowers, his cheeks heating up at the thoughts of last night's events.

After  cuming for the nth time he barely had the energy to move a finger, he was very clingy the night before, asking the other to continue though he was visibly tired, but Taehyung knew better than to keep going as he placed chase kisses on him, making him comfortable enough to fall asleep.

Jungkook hated the idea of Taehyung leaving, but it was his job and he had to respect that. Besides being a ceo must be demanding at first, he probably needs time to ease into it. 

Jungkook washed up and called  Jimin, asking if he could visit, this question had Jimin basically screaming over the phone in excitement. "Take your time, I will prepare some movies and snacks for us" Jimin instructed before hanging up.

Jungkook was happy, he was happy for his love, Taehyung, getting his promotion, he even seemed to have  a new glow ever since he became ceo, did he get more handsome? He was happy with his work, one more month and he will surprise Jimin when he reveals that he will work at the hospital pharmacy with him.

A few hours later, he pulled over at Jimin and Yoongi's house, he was about to get out of the car when he noticed the two standing by the door, he decided to give them a minute to finish what they had going on.

Jimin leaned in for the nth time, kissing his boyfriend, not too pleased by the fact that he had to leave. "Baby, you  know I will be back right" Yoongi asked with a chuckle, "okaaaay" Jimin finally agreed, letting the other go.

"You can stop hiding now" Yoongi said as he came to stop at Jungkook's car, "I wasn't hidding" the other replied with a laugh, "sure, I will see you guys later" Yoongi said as he left, turning back to wave at Jimin who was still by the door way.

"Come over here silly" Jimin called Jungkook

"You guys are so cute" Jungkook said gushing over his friends, "yes, yes we are" Jimin replied with a laugh. 

Now settled on the couch ready to start the movie, "hey Jimin-ah, can I ask you a favor" "only if you agree to owe me one in return" Jimin replied with a laugh. "Quit playing" Jungkook said hitting him lightly.

"Yeah, sure what's up" Jimin replied now being a bit serious. "Can I stay with you guys for a few days?" there was a slight sound of concern in Jungkook's voice, so Jimin figured he shouldn't make anymore jokes.

"Yeah sure, no problem" He replied with a smile.                                                                                                 "Are you sure Yoongi won't mind, I think you should talk to him first".                                                       "I know he wont mind, besides we have enough rooms and you are always welcome to stay here"

"But is everything okay" Jimin asked, "O, yes, it's just that Taehyung will be out of the country for the whole week and the house feels too empty already" Jungkook replied with a chuckle. "O yeah, he did text me that he had to leave urgently, don't worry about it you can stay with us for as long as you need" Jimin said reassuringly.

But it appeared as though Jungkook had more on his mind, "hey what's going on?" Jimin asked. "Am sorry I lied to you" Jungkook said in a low voice, Jimin was a bit confused since he didn't know what the other was apologizing for exactly.

As if reading Jimin's mind, Jungkook continued, "about the thing that happed before at the mall, I never told Tae about it, somehow I couldn't get the time to, he had a lot going on and before I knew it he was promoted to ceo, there was no way to bring it up, plus am okay now, so I think if I were to tell him, I would only worry him for nothing, but am sorry that I lied to you about telling him"

Jimin knew that he had lied, the way he was avoiding eye contact he knew, but he decided not to ask. "It's okay Kook, I forgive you, don't think too much about it, but does your stay here have anything to do with what happed before, did anyone hurt you" Jimin asked.

"No-no,  nothing has happened, I just wanted to apologize" Jungkook replied giving a slight smile. Jimin relaxed at this "but kook, no matter how busy Taehyung is, I know he would want to know if anything is wrong, he will make time, just talk to him" Jimin said holding the younger's hands.

Jungkook replied with a nod, "can we watch the movie a bit later after a nap, I am feeling a bit tired" Jungkook said resting his head on Jimin's chest, "well someone had an interesting night" Jimin teased. "Hyuu-ng" Jungkook whined with a laugh, glad that the other could not see his reddened cheeks.

"Silly boy" Jimin said with a smile  looking at Jungkook who had fallen asleep in his arms.

Hey hey

Hope you enjoyed reading, take care and drink enough water.

Love Tally

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