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If it wasn't a hospital, Taehyung would be sprinting down the halls as fast as he could, "I hope he is still sleeping" he thought to himself, it was a little past seven.

He finally stopped at Jungkook's door, he took a minute to fix his suit and the flowers in his hand, thank God, none was broken. He proceeded to open the door.

In that moment when he stepped in, Jungkook was coming out from the bathroom, he had just finished washing his face and brushing his teeth.

He did not expect to find Taehyung in his room, who seemed to be trying to catch his breath.

"Hey" Taehyung replied with a smile.

Jungkook wanted to smile back at him, he should be happy that he was back right, right? But he couldn't help but frown a little, feeling rather sad, because so far he had only gotten disappointed every time he got excited about Taehyung.

Maybe he was right to assume that the other didn't want to be with him anymore, maybe he was just being nice, since he was in the hospital. He even snuck out before he woke up.

"Did you sleep well" Taehyung asked, "yes, thank you" Jungkook replied, "did you sleep well?" he asked as he walked towards his bed, he didn't even want to look at Taehyung.

He noticed that the other was all dressed up, so he was probably going to work, the thought made him even more upset.

He proceed to sit on his bed with his head faced down as he kept tugging on the ends of his shirt.

Taehyung was a bit surprised by the silent treatment he was getting, last night they seemed to be on such good terms, so what was wrong now.

"Jungkook I ...." he tried to speak.

"Aren't you going to be late for work?" Jungkook asked, still keeping his head down. Taehyung slowly approached him, "Jungkook?" trying to get a look at his face.

"You said- last night you said you were going to stay" Jungkook said. He didn't want to sound like he was sulking, but he was, and he couldn't help it, he couldn't help but be upset. "If you didn't want to stay you could have said so, instead of sneaking out, you-you don't have to stay with me if you don't want to, it's fine" he said in a low voice, it wasn't fine though, not for him at least, and his eyes were getting a bit teary.

It took Taehyung a few seconds, but he was quick to realize what was going on.

He was about to say something when there was a knock on the door, and from behind it came doctor Hosoek and two nurses.

There was no way of missing that they clearly interrupted something, especially when Jungkook didn't greet his doctor like he usually does.

Taehyung walked up to the doctor, "Good morning doc, do you think you could give us a few minutes alone please" Taehyung requested.

"Sure, no problem, just don't upset my patient okay" Hosoek joked with a laugh as he ushered  the nurses through the door and they left.

Taehyung went back to Jungkook, who was still avoiding his gaze. He got a chair and sat before him.

"Hey" he said in a low voice. "i didn't run away okay, and I am sorry I left before you woke up" Taehyung said. Jungkook still didn't reply.

" There is this new bakery that opened recently near our apartment. They sell the best pastries..."
"You left me for bread?" Jungkook suddenly asked ,feeling somewhat offended.

Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle at the accusation, "no-no, I didn't leave you for bread. The thing is they sell out very quickly in the morning, cause they are really good so I wanted to make sure I was there early enough to get you something and be back before you woke up, otherwise I would have to wait for the next batch witch would take some time "

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