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Present time

Jungkook walked out of the bathroom, he had a robe on  and was drying his hair, Taehyung stood by the dresser dressed in a suit, he was going t be leaving for work soon.

"Come here" he said to the younger, Jungkook walked up to him with a smile, "hi" he said.

Taehyung kissed him and proceeded  to pick him and place him on the dresser, "hi" he replied back. Jungkook booped his nose, he felt giddy and having Taehyung standing between his legs in a suit, was a sight he was enjoying.

"We are going to have fun tonight, yes?" Taehyung asked, suggestively. "What kind of fun can you have at an art gallery opening, hmm?" Jungkook asked back.

"You know....." Taehyung said as one his hands started trailing along the younger's thigh, maintaining  eye contact while at it,  he knew he had nothing beneath the robe. "Mr. Kim....." Jungkook said trying to sound stern, but Taehyung's hand was moving at such a slow pace that it was hard to focus on anything else, a gasp escaped his mouth when he felt Taehyung cup him.

"We can have all kinds of fun, hmm" Taehyung said as he started to kiss the other's neck, "lots of fun". Jungkook had no will to protest as he tilted his head for the other, though he was still felling a bit sore from their activities of last night, "Tae......" he moaned.

If it wasn't for the fact that he was already running late and that they had plans tonight, Taehyung would have had  the younger bend over the dresser or  have him beneath him somewhere else in the house. He smiled a little, feeling proud of himself for being so "responsible".

"What are you smiling about?" Jungkook asked, having noticed the smirk, "nothing" Taehyung replied with a chuckle. Even though he was being responsible that didn't mean he wasn't going to do anything at all.

He slowly started to untie the other's robe, planting kisses from his neck down to his chest and continued to suck on his nipples making him arc his back in pleasure.

He moved both his hands along his body, he loved it, he loved how it curved and he loved his slim waist and how it fit in his hands perfectly. He loved him, all of him.

"You are perfect" Taehyung said as he ran one hand through Jungkook's hair while one remained on his waist, it made a pink hue form on Jungkook's cheeks, who was suddenly feeling shy. Maybe the fact that he naked in front of the other who was fully dressed was also part of the reason.

"Y-you have to go to w-work...." Jungkook tried to say as Taehyung started to pump his length. "Are you sure you want me to leave you like this?" Taehyung whispered in his ear, not stopping his actions.

Jungkook didn't answer, he couldn't answer as he soon felt the other's lips on his own, "I don't want to leave you like this" Taehyung mumbled in the kiss. 

Jungkook started to tug on his suit, pushing it back, he wanted more, he just came in his hand, but it wasn't enough. A shiver ran down his back when Taehyung tossed the jacket to the side and picked him up from the dresser, he instinctively wrapped his legs around him.

"I was trying to be responsible today" Taehyung said as he hovered on top on the younger who now laid on the bed. Jungkook giggled a little, "I don't think you  tried hard enough" as he felt the other's erection pressed on him.

"They can wait at work" Taehyung said as he leaned down to capture the other's lips. 

Soon the the rest of the suit was tossed on the floor and so was the robe as Taehyung now had the younger's legs on either side of his  arms, deep inside him.

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