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"You left so many" Jungkook said as he looked at his reflection, spotting the purple blotches that trailed from his neck to his chest, "am sorry" Taehyung said coming up behind him, and started kissing the spots, Jungkook looks at him through the mirror and smiled, "he's definitely not sorry" he thought .

Taehyung continued kiss him, now turning the other's head to face him. He slowly untied Jungkook's robe, who was still naked underneath, "I don't think you are sorry" Jungkook said with a laugh as Taehyung started to run his hands up and down his body. "I am" Taehyung said as he pulled him closer to his crotch, "but I still want to add a few more".

Soft pants lefts Jungkook's mouth as Taehyung started pumping his length while pressing him on his own erection. Jungkook almost slumped over as he found his release.

Taehyung continued to place kisses on the side of his face, "so kinky" Jungkook said scrunching his nose, Taehyung smirked wiggling his eye brow as he stood behind Jungkook who was standing  in front of the mirror. He began to pull his robe down until it was pooling on the floor. 

"You are perfect" Taehyung said running his hands along the other's body, Jungkook leaned back, his head resting  on the other's shoulder ,he felt safe and loved as he watched Taehyung's reflection.

This was one of the reasons Jungkook kept loving Taehyung, he was  patient. From the very beginning, he always let the younger take his time. Given the circumstances under which they met, Taehyung never wanted Jungkook to think he was only after his body.

After he got comfortable enough in their relationship Taehyung  loved to let the other explore, as much as he wanted. Jungkook finally got to a point where having someone next to him didn't make his skin crawl, it took a while but he finally got there and the only hands he ever wanted to have on him were Taehyung's, his safe space.

Taehyung spun him around and captured his lips in a deep kiss, he loved how Jungkook held on to him, as they moved with the same rhythm. Jungkook started tugging on Taehyung's sweatpants, feeling the other rub on his front.

"mmmm" Jungkook moaned, throwing his head back as he had his back pressed on the other's chest. Taehyung had one hand on his neck and another on his waist to keep him in place, he continued to grind his hips against the other, loving the response he was getting. Jungkook placed his hand on his lower stomach, feeling how deep the other was, it made him gasp.


"Is it far from here?" Taehyung asked as they now sat outside on the balcony. "Not really, I mean it's a bit far, it's okay if you can't go" Jungkook replied suddenly regretting having brought up the whole thing all together.

Taehyung didn't say anything for a while as he observed the other, noticing a hint of sadness,  "Am sorry" Taehyung said taking his hands in his, they were small and soft. "Am sorry I have been everywhere else but with you, please don't feel like I never have time for you" he brought his hands up and planted a few kisses.

Jungkook gave a slight smile, he wasn't sure about how he felt, no doubt he was happy about what Taehyung just said, but there was still this feeling lingering around.

"Hey, look at me" Taehyung said, noticing how the other seemed to be zoned out, he pulled him up to his feet. "I will pack some shirts for a us,  a blanket and anything else we might need, you can get started with the picnic basket, hmm?" Taehyung said running his hand through the other's hair.

"Okay" Jungkook said with a grin, thoughts from seconds ago pushed aside, he headed inside after getting on his tip toes to kiss Taehyung.


"How did you find this place" Taehyung asked as they came to a stop, it was open space filed with wild purple flowers. "I was on a drive while you were in Canada" Jungkook begun as he got out of the car.

"I stopped to rest for a bit and decided to walk around and there it was, turns out it's not even privately owned so it was okay for me to rest here". "It's beautiful" Taehyung said taking in the view.

"Come" Jungkook said holding out his hand, Taehyung was carrying the picnic basket while Jungkook carried the blanket.

They talked about everything and nothing all together, there were moments of comfortable silence and others filled with so much laughter, that their stomachs hurt. "I feel like we haven't done this in forever" Taehyung admitted. "Its okay, we were both busy, I had just started at the pharmacy and your company had the analysis" Jungkook replied, not really wanting to get into that conversation. 

"Have you thought about taking up Jimin's suggestion to work at the hospital's pharmacy?" Taehyung asked. "I don't know, I will still think about it" Jungkook said as he leaned back on Taehyung's chest.

"Are you sure you are thinking about it or you are scared of running into my dad" Taehyung asked with a chuckle. "Stop it" Jungkook replied, hitting the other's thigh. Mr. Kim was everything but scary, the man was a walking sunshine, and whenever he met him, the older Kim would  always gush about how cute he was, and praise his son for having a good eye.

"He is the president of the hospital and head of surgery, I doubt you will run into him that often" Taehyung said trying to re-assure the other, but still enjoying the other's reaction. Jungkook loved Mr. Kim, he was an amazing man, but he was still Taehyung's dad, and that alone got him flustered, now to work in the same hospital, goodness, how will he survive that.

Their picnic lasted until the sun begun to set, Taehyung had been placing flower's in Jungkook's hair and now his head looked like a small version of the field they were just sitting in. "Stop laughing" Jungkook whined as Taehyung kept taking pictures. "Stay still" Taehyung said laughing, as he kept taking pictures of the other. 

Jungkook started chasing him around the field, but when he finally caught him, Taehyung lifted him up instead, "I love you" he said holding the other up. "You are not getting out of this that easily"  Jungkook said with pout, "Oh you want something more?" Taehyung teased biting his lower lip. "O my goodness Tae" Jungkook's cheeks suddenly turned a shade of pink since he knew what the other was hinting


"no, we are out in the open"

"So you are saying the car is an option?"

"Taaaaaeeee....." Jungkook said walking away, "Lets go home, it's not happening"


Hey hey

I hope you are doing well, it's getting warmer where I am , I hope you are having good weather too.

I miss Run-BTS those 7 crackheads need to come back and give me joy and happiness. And I hope Hobi recovers well, our precious sunshine.

Take care of yourselves, drink enough and eat well.


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