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At Taehyung's office

He dropped the papers on his desk in frustration, honestly, isn't there someone that checks the books of the company? he thought to himself, seeing how almost everyday they were finding some dirty employee who was ripping off the company.

He ran his hands through his hair, he was tired, it had only been about four hours since he had arrived but he was tired. But he couldn't complain, because it wasn't just him that was working hard, everybody else was, even though given his position he worked more, he couldn't start slacking now. The good thing coming out of this was that they were making progress, good progress for that matter, that kept him going. And the fact that the analysis was nearing it's end, meant that he could finally spend time with Jungkook, he was even thinking about a trip somewhere a bit hot.

Hours later, now the work day was coming to an end when his secretary walked in, "All the documents have been sent out as you requested, we will receive a reply by tomorrow , and here are the signed papers from the marketing team" she explained, handing a set of papers to Taehyung. He let out a deep breath, finally they were done for the day, for the first time in a while, they didn't work till past midnight. "Thank you Ji-ho, you can head home, I will be leaving in a bit too" 

Ji-ho was about to walk out but hesitated, Taehyung noticed, "Is there anything else" He asked. "It's just that it's Mr. Lee's birthday and he couldn't spend it with his family because he stayed to help with everything that was happening to today....", Taehyung didn't say anything, so she continued "The team  decided to go out for a small get together after work, just to celebrate with him before the day ends, and I thought, I mean we thought it would mean a lot to Mr. Lee if you were present today"

Taehyung took a moment to think about it, he didn't bother much with company dinners and the likes unless he absolutely needed to be present, plus he didn't like how people seemed to fidget around him now that he was an executive, as if he bites or something. But he respected Mr. Lee, he was one of the older employees and had helped him a lot when he first started working at the company. "Okay, I will join you, let me just make a quick phone call, I will meet you outside" Ji-ho gave a bow and walked out.

He took his phone out to call Jungkook, but it just kept ringing till it went on voicemail. "He must be sleeping " he thought to himself. He quickly gathered his things and headed out to meet everyone and they made their way to a nearby pub. Once they got there, one glass of soju quickly turned into one too many bottles that Taehyung lost count.

Jungkook almost fell from the couch when he turned, he looked at the clock, it was 4am, Taehyung must be sleeping in the bedroom he thought. He got up to get a glass of water. Suddenly he heard someone trying to open the door. He looked around, scared , was someone trying to break in their house. He quickly looked for a bat that he had hid in the kitchen for this exact situation, though he didn't think it would come so soon, his palms were sweating, "Please don't have a gun" he kept repeating under his breath.

He stood still for a minute when he heard the door unlock, it was too late to run upstairs to get Taehyung now. He sat, still planning out his attack, but he noticed a pair of familiar shoes, his gaze moved up to meet a drunk Taehyung, "Tae?" he called in disbelief. He dropped the bat and watched as Taehyung struggled to remove his shoes, it took him a while but he finally managed to removed them. "O, baby" He said in a sloppy voice as he noticed Jungkook, "I missed you" He said hugging him, Jungkook kept avoiding his kisses, he reeked of alcohol, so Taehyung kept placing wet kisses on his neck.

Taehyung was heavy and Jungkook was trying so hard not to let him squash him, after a huge struggle, they finally made it to the bedroom. Jungkook proceeded to undress him out of his office attire, but he couldn't put clothes on him again, he couldn't move him, so he left him in his boxers, and then wiped his face before tucking him in, "I love you" Taehyung mumbled. Jungkook slightly smiled, "I love you too" he whispered, placing a kiss on his forehead. Jungkook walked out of the room and headed downstairs. He wrote something on a sticky note and pasted it on the fridge before taking his keys and walking out.

He had been driving for almost an hour when he stopped, the sun was coming up, and the sea coming to view, he was still a distance away. He drove over to nearby shop, he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday so he bought a few things before he continued with his drive. Finally arriving at the sea, he parked a distance away enough to enjoy the view, as he sat on the hood.

He didn't know what he felt, he wasn't angry at Taehyung, he is an executive director after all and Big hit Ent. is a huge company, so it shouldn't come as a surprise as to how busy he got. But that didn't mean he didn't fell sad, alone and somewhat not worth his time, he looked at the food he bought earlier, now he had no appetite, "the analysis will be over soon and everything will be fine" he told himself tightening the fluffy blanket around his small frame.

"I went out for a drive, and take the pill on the counter, Love Jk"  The note read. Taehyung did as the note instructed wincing at how his head was throbbing. "I wonder for how long he has been gone" Taehyung thought, looking at the clock, it was ten in the morning, "Perhaps I could make brunch for when returns" he thought.....

Jungkook was woken up by his phone that kept ringing, it was Taehyung, and he also  noticed it was 12 in the afternoon. "o,I will be right there soon, sorry I lost track of time" Jungkook spoke into the phone trying to clear his throat before hanging up. He tried to fix his hair when he noticed tear stains on his face, "o ya, that explains how I fell asleep here" he exclaimed, as if to  mock himself. He looked around the car and spotted the bottle of water he bought earlier, "ah, I knew this would come in handy" He took the bottle and stepped out to wash his face.

Hi there

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, I haven't gotten the chance to read previous chapters recently, to make sure the story still makes sense, I hope it still makes sense lol. But if you are a bit confused, don't worry, it will get better with each chapter.

I hope you are all doing well, 

And O, the concert is tomorrow, well I am one of those broke armies, lol, I am waiting for IG posts, If you got your  tickets, enjoy on our behalf too bestie. And if you are attending the concert in person, remember to keep warm, if you are not, you should still keep warm, lol

Any ways, take care of your health and be happy


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