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"I will see later for dinner"...

It became a common phrase that Jungkook would hear, things certainly did get better. Even though Taehyung did get very busy every now and then, it wasn't everyday and he was making an active effort to make time to spend with the younger.

Jimin couldn't help but point out the "glow" radiating from him friend, he was glad that he was doing much better now and everything seemed to be fine.


It was Friday evening and Taehyung's company had a company dinner, they had new employees starting at the company, he had to be there.

They sat around the table, and to be polite, Taehyung kept his phone away to fully interact with the new member's to his team. "Sir you really didn't have to come" one of the girls pointed out, clearly blushing at the fact that their handsome director was having drinks with them.

"Don't worry about it, I wanted to come, besides I need to know the people I am going to be working with" he replied with a smile. The evening proceeded with them introducing themselves and anything else that would make good conversation.

"I don't think he is seeing anyone, the ring is not even on his ring finger" one of the girls, whose name was Eun said as she fixed her make-up. The girl next to her agreed with her, and continued to encourage her friend's idea to approach the director. They were both new to the work place so they didn't know much yet.

Soon the night came to an end, everyone was preparing to leave, Eun made a deliberate effort to trip and fall towards Taehyung, who, like anyone would, caught her to stop her from falling, "am so sorry sir" she had hiding her flustered face, "it's alright, are you okay" Taehyung asked concerned. Eun was a blushing mess, but managed to control herself.

Finally all the team members left and Taehyung headed home. He noticed he missed a few calls from Jungkook, in that moment he remembered that he had agreed that they would watch a movie together, he cursed beneath his breath at the realization. But it wasn't terribly late, so they could still watch the movie.

Soon enough he arrived at their home with take out and flowers, Jungkook was laying on the couch, immersed in whatever was playing. "Baby" Taehyung said as Jungkook walked up to greet him, he pulled him close to kiss him but Jungkook suddenly pulled away scrunching his nose.

"You don't taste all that good" he said, Taehyung laughed at this, "uhm yes, I had a company dinner today........."

Jungkook didn't hear the rest of the sentence as his mind was occupied by the perfume smell that he picked up, he knew it was woman's perfume, his mother had a thing for good smells. His eyes were locked on Taehyung's chest , hoping he doesn't spot any lipstick print.

"Hey" Taehyung said, trying to get the other's attention, "a, yes? company dinner, how about you wash up first and then tell me all about it" Jungkook said patting his chest. Taehyung kissed him before heading to their bedroom. Jungkook went to find a vase for the flowers and lay out the food.

Soon after Taehyung was showered, he returned in sweats and a shirt, coming to stand behind Jungkook who stood in front of the counter cutting fruit. "I am sorry I arrived late, I had forgotten that the company dinner was today and only remembered when my secretary told me at work" Taehyung said wrapping his hands around the other who hummed in response, "it's okay, you are right on time" Jungkook said turning around.

Taehyung took Jungkook's legs and placed them on his thighs, he was caressing them slowly while the other was finding a movie, he picked a horror film, Eli, he looked back at Taehyung, who raised his eye brow, clearly doubting the other's choice.

"That's the one you want" he asked, "yes" Jungkook replied confidently, "do you know how many horror films you have actually picked but never finished" Taehyung asked tilting his head, "I will finish this one" Jungkook said, clearly not backing down. "Okay" Taehyung said leaning back. He knew how this was going to go.

First he covered his eyes, asking Taehyung to tell him what happened, when the other wouldn't he would peak through his fingers. "Okay pause" Jungkook said getting up, Taehyung couldn't help but laugh, "you know, we can watch something else" he suggested. After pacing around in an attempt to calm down Jungkook came back to the couch, "Okay, lets go" he said, now clutching a pillow.

Now Jungkook was curled up next to Taehyung, barely watching the movie anymore, "please play SpongeBob" he mumbled against Taehyung's chest, laughter was bubbling in Taehyung's chest, he knew, he knew it always ended with SpongeBob.

Now the room was filled with Mr. Crabs going on about his recipe a SpongeBob's singing, "why do you do this to yourself" Taehyung asked, trying not to laugh anymore, "I thought I could do it this time" Jungkook replied with a pout, "o baby, it's okay my love" Taehyung said as though comforting him, but pretty much making fun of the other.

"How was your dinner" Jungkook asked when they settled down. Why was he asking this, it definitely wasn't because he was all that interested in Taehyung's colleagues , but that perfume, it bothered him. Things have been going so well, why was he being like this, why was there a little voice creeping in and filling his head with doubt, that all of this will be over soon.

"It was okay, we got new people on our team so there was a lot to talk about" Taehyung said, with his eyes glued on the Krabi patty that SpongeBob was making, "aha, okay" Jungkook replied in a low voice. "Stop thinking that" he mentally scolded himself.

Suddenly Taehyung turned off the TV and turned to him, "what's wrong" he asked, "n-nothing" Jungkook replied trying to hide how he was feeling but failed. Taehyung tilted his head at him, clearly not believing what the other was saying, "Ah it's silly, don't mind me" Jungkook said trying to convince the other.

"Nothing happened during dinner" Taehyung said taking the other's hands in his, in response Jungkook pulled him close and started kissing him, soon Taehyung was hovering over him deepening the kiss. Jungkook was now tugging on the other's shirt for him to remove it, but then Taehyung stopped, "baby.."

Jungkook was not particularly a jealous person, but he wasn't always very good at hiding how he felt about something especially in person. And right now, even though Taehyung was enjoying the fact that the younger came on to him, he was feeling like there was something else to it.

"There was women's perfume on you when you got home, I...I know I am sounding unreasonable right now and down right petty, but it bothered me, it shouldn't, I don't want it to, but it does" Jungkook said, trying to avoid Taehyung's gaze.

"Hey, come here" Taehyung said as he got off him and led the other on his lap, "you should never feel bad about what you feel, you have every right to" Taehyung continued to brief him about his short encounter with one of the new recruits " I think that's how I go it"

Jungkook could feel his cheeks heat up, he was jealous, he didn't say anything but hid his face in the crook of Taehyung's neck. "If anything bother's you, you should always tell me okay" Taehyung said running his hand up and down the other's back.

It didn't take long until Taehyung was cupping the other's ass, and thrusted his hips up a bit too harshly as the other was grinding on him causing a moan to escape his parted lips. "I only have eyes for you" Taehyung said holding the other by his nape and pulling him for a kiss.

Hey hey

I hope you are doing well, and taking good care of yourself.

Kookie is sick :-( , ah, COVID, but the baby star candy is strong he will be all good soon, he was interacting with ARMY on IG, poor me who can't read Korean had to wait for translations lol....but we all wish him a quick recovery.

Wear your masks in crowded places okay, COVID is still out there, so be safe okay


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