Now I know N.R

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Your POV
I hated going to school, my classmates always made fun of me and I'm always left out, no matter how they tried to hide it, it is most apparent during gym class when they have to choose teams. Teachers would never stand on my side as well, taking with the majority of the class. There's no refuge for me.

And that's not even the worst part. Not only do they call me names, they like to beat me up. My only guess could be that humans just feel different compared to a punching bag. Never a day would I come back from school without a new bruise somewhere on my body.

I could sense that Mum noticed there was something different about me, but thankfully she didn't probe any further. She would always ask how school went and I would tell her it was okay.

"Hi honey, how was school?" She questioned when she saw me walking in through the compound gates.

"Still okay. How was your day?" I asked her as we walked towards the living room together.

"Just filled with paperwork again." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, I have my own paperwork to do so I'm heading up first." I left mum at the kitchen before trudging up. Just lifting up my arms to place my bag hurts, they never allow my body to heal before adding new ones.

I sighed in front of my desk to start another horrendous hell.

How I wish I was another person.

Natasha POV
After seeing Y/N walk up the stairs, I refilled my coffee before going back to my office. I sat at my office desk with mountains of paperwork to do and review. If anyone came in from the door, they wouldn't even be able to see me.

Well, time to get to work. With a sigh, I took the paper that sat on top of the pile and started working through it. A knock was heard on my door, and I asked them to come in.

"Agent Romanoff, Agent Riley has yet to return from her mission and someone needs to take over her class."

I looked at her in shock and bewildered. "Surely there's someone else to take over."

"Director Fury requested for you."

Out of all the agents in this building who I'm pretty sure is slacking off, he chose me? Me, who have a mountain of work already waiting for me to complete. "Alright, give me a minute, I'll be there."


My mood was deep into the depths of hell when I conducted their class. I'm pretty sure they all wished that Agent Riley wasn't held back in her mission. Everyone was shivering in their place when I entered and by the end of the class, they were dead on the floor with the difficulty and number of exercises I instructed them to do.

Today was going to be another OT night without even thinking, I took out my phone from my back pocket wanting to pop a text to Y/N but I realised that my phone was dead too.

"What a day... I probably forgot to charge it yesterday."

Returning to my phone and of course the papers were still there, it's not gonna just mysteriously vanish.

I turned on the desk lamp as it was getting dark. Dinner would just be a simple peanut butter sandwich. Who has the time to sit and eat properly?

How I wish I don't have to do this.

Second POV
You woke up the next morning at a different desk. You stretched your body having slept in an awkward position, with your arms crossed in front of you. Without knowing, your arms accidentally knocked on a pile of paper. Sure, there was homework to be done, but surely not enough to cover the entire desk. You stood up to have a better look and you realised you were in your mother's office.

Since when did I enter her office? Did mum just leave me here? Where did she go? Did I sleepwalk? What the hell is happening? You rambled in your thoughts.

You bend down to pick up all the pieces of paper on the floor without much of an answer until you hear someone knock on the door. "Agent Romanoff, Director Fury requested a meeting in 10 minutes." Culson came into her office.

"Huh? What?" You answered. "A meeting?"

"Yes, in 10 minutes." With that he left you in the office alone.

Why did he address me as Agent Romanoff? Is this some sort of a joke?

You went off to find mum only to see your face running towards you. Is that a mirror? But the actions don't seem to match. The reflection is coming closer to me even though I'm not moving.

You were still wrapping your head around the situation until you felt the figure place their hands on your shoulders.

Earlier with Natasha
She woke up in an unfamiliar setting, why would she be sleeping in the bathroom when she should be in her office? Looking around her, she realised she wasn't in anyone's bathroom. She was in yours. 

The next thing she realise was all the bruises littered on your body. All of them look new and saturated in colour. Immediately, she stood up and checked on her reflection and sure enough, it was your face and not hers.

"Oh shit." She whispered under her breath.

Knowing you were likely to be in the same predicament as her, she immediately went looking for you. If she was right, you- or her body would be in her office. She has to find you before more people get suspicious.

Turning the corner, she saw you coming out of her office and she ran towards you disregarding the fact that everyone was seeing a child running across the hall.

"Mum? Is that you? What are we going to do?"

Written on 23 Feb 2022
Posted on 20 Aug 2022

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