Who? N.R

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Natasha POV
"Mummy is coming back today!" I excitedly picked up our three-year old daughter who was running around. I missed Y/N so much and I could tell Eva was too as she bounced in my arms and threw her hands around.

"Mummy!" I felt her reach forward and I turned around to see my wife walking in.

"Hi babe." I gave her a kiss. "You aren't hurt are you?"

"Nope." She gave a spin and I checked to make sure while admiring her body. "You're done checking and my eyes are up here." Y/N placed a finger under my chin and lifted my head. She went to take Eva from my arms but she covered her face in the nook of my neck and hugged my neck even tighter.

"What? I've only been gone for three days and she doesn't recognise me?" Y/N pouted and attempted to play with Eva in hopes of regaining her favour.

"I don't know? She was really excited to see you just a few moments ago." Eva's action was really confusing me. I tried to make her face Y/N but she wouldn't budge.

"It's alright, maybe she's mad at me for leaving..."


The entire day Eva was refusing to go near Y/N, even when she was trying to put her to sleep by reading her a bedtime story she would scurry away and hide behind my legs. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's going on with her." I picked Eva up and took the book from Y/N.

"It's okay. I'll wait for you in bed. Goodnight Eva." Y/N waved to her sadly before leaving.

"Why are you being so cold to mummy?" I tucked her in bed before opening to the first page of the book.

"She's not mummy..." Eva whispered softly and looked at her hands. I looked at her weird before pushing it off, thinking she was grumpy and reading her the book, getting her ready to sleep.

When I got to our room, Y/N was sleeping on my side of the bed. We normally talked for a while before going to sleep but I guess she was too tired.


I thought Eva grumpiness would slide the next morning but she still refused to go near Y/N. This was very odd considering they were always sticking together, me being the one left out.

"Sorry, seems like you have to be the one taking care of her for the time being." She said apologetically.

"It's fine. She's my daughter too. I just don't understand what's happening." I explained.

"I'll just find Steve to train together or something."

I found Y/N coming out of the shower with her tank top and I started taking Eva's words more seriously. It hit me that she only wears her tank top to sleep and she wasn't wearing one yesterday. When she first came back from her mission, she didn't bring anything back, usually a small token either for me or Eva. So I decided to test her.

Today's dinner was fried rice. I purposely didn't reserve her portion before putting in the peas because I knew she hated them. She hated them to the point where she would rather give it to Eva than to see it on her plate.

I knew things were going to get messy so passed Eva to Wanda with their food so they didn't have to come down. I didn't want Eva to see what happened to her mother lookalike.

I didn't tell the team because I knew they wouldn't be able to keep a straight face. When everything was set, I told Friday to inform everyone that dinner was ready.

"Certainly, Mrs Romanoff."

The entire group came down and Y/N sat next to me. I gave her a kiss which she returned and made sure I left my mark. Everyone began eating and sure enough, she was eating peacefully.

"God, I'm thirsty." Tony tried stretching for my cup of water and I took it away.

"Hey! It's just water."

"Exactly, go get it yourself." Instead, I passed the cup to Y/N while smiling at her. Without suspecting anything, she drank the water while I waited for it to take effect.

"Nat... why am I so dizzy?"

"You don't get to call me that."

Knowing that her cover was blown she tried to get up but I pushed her back down, forcing her arms behind her neck.

"Nat!" Everyone was so shocked that I was being so rough with my wife.

"She's not Y/N." I started dragging her on the floor.

"Then who did I train with this morning?" Steve asked.

"I don't know but you better go and find my wife. I better not see your ass without her." I said while still dragging her to the cell in the basement. There's no need to treat her kindly when she isn't my wife.

I threw her on a chair and cuffed her ankles and wrist. I left her alone and pristine knowing Y/N would like to play with her later. I was prepping the knife and such when she begins to stir and take notice of where she was.

"Let's start with your name." I said, turning around with a lovely smile.

"I'm not telling you anything." She hissed.

Suddenly, the door slammed open and the real Y/N walked in. She took one look at her doppelganger before walking towards me and giving me a bruising kiss. Finally a real kiss. "I sure hoped you noticed it earlier." She said when she pulled away.

"You have your daughter to thank."

"Seems like she's more useful than you. Do I have the permission?"

"Yeah. Go ahead." She gave a mischievous smile before turning to the fake. All I heard was a terrifying scream when I closed the door behind me.

"Ahhh... I never felt so refreshed for so long..." She stretched as she walked out. The screaming has finally stopped, it has been continuing non-stop for 10 minutes.

"Is she... alive?" Steve asked, sensing something was wrong when it's so quiet.

"She's alive... barely."

With a flick of a switch, she changed her personality and lifted her arms. "Natty!" I took it as my sign to carry her. "Bye guys!" She waved as I carried her up to our room.

But before that, I went to collect Eva from Wanda holding two babies in my arms. Eva was finally content laying her arms after two days. "She was the first one to realise something was wrong." I said while Eva was laying in between us in bed. "The moment you walked in she realised it wasn't you... and I didn't..."

"It's okay... it's over now." Y/N caressed my cheeks as I tried to control my tears. "You were the one who caught her."

"I love you. I don't know what I'll do without you."

"I love you too. I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me so easily."

Written on 30 Nov 2021
Posted on 4 Jun 2022

Inspired by one of the animes that I can't remember the name. It has a bit of detective and doppelganger in it.

Apparently, children know it's not their mother because of their scent. 

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