Suddenly missing N.R

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Your POV
Being almost nine months pregnant without my wife at home was possibly what I was not expecting. But Natasha was called on an urgent mission last night and no matter how much she tried to persuade Fury that she couldn't leave, she still had to go. The only good thing was that Fury promised her it was only going to a one day mission, any longer and she's free to come back.

"I'm so sorry darling, I really tried." Right now, we are standing at the door, her arms wrapped around my waist. She was still apologizing to me even though it wasn't really her fault. I was next to her during the call and she really tried hard to push to stay.

"I know I know." That was all I could say while rubbing my belly and back. I couldn't possibly make a fuss. It wouldn't do me or her any good. I wouldn't want her to worry about me more than she already is.

"And you little one." Nat started poking my belly. "Try not to give mommy such a hard time and stay until I come back, do you understand me?" Little movement could be felt when Nat placed her hands on my belly and she looked at me in amazement. "I'll never be able to get used to that feeling."

I smiled at her sadly now that she's really leaving. "I promise I'll be back as soon as I can." She kissed my belly and lips before hopping onto her motorcycle. I sighed and locked the door before planting myself on the couch with a bowl of chips.

I turned on Passenger on the television and munched on my chips. The doorbell rang and I didn't even bother to move to answer it. There's only so much I can do if it's a killer and if they are friends, they have the keys to enter by themselves.

However, the doorbell rang continuously and it was getting on my nerves so I rolled off the couch and opened the door to see Wanda.

"You do know you have a key right?" I scoffed when I saw her standing in front of me.

"Yes, but your wife was chasing me out of the house so I didn't have the chance to grab it." Wanda said before inviting herself into the house. "How are you and the little one doing?" She took a piece of chips from the bowl and sat next to me.

"Sore, really. They keep moving and I can't sleep at night." I shifted around trying to get comfortable again.

"Are you okay, do you need anything?"

"No, just trying to get comfortable since someone made me get up."

Natasha POV
I tried my best finishing up the mission as soon as possible to get back to my wife but it was still the next day regardless. Leaving the rest of the clean up to the team, I rushed back home hoping to see my wife sitting in front of the television eating her cravings and talking to the baby.

However, the house was quiet when I reached home. All the lights were on but there was no one to be found.

"Y/N?? Wanda?" I called out for them but there was no response. I immediately searched the house for any signs of life but I was met with the opposite, a pool of blood.

What happened? Were they attacked? But Wanda was there, the house looked too neat for an attack to have happened. She would have fought back somehow. The baby. Our baby, oh god, I hope they are all safe.

I took out my phone and started calling Wanda but I heard her ringtone somewhere in the house, I walked closer and it was at the kitchen counter. My heart dropped even further, Wanda wouldn't have left without her phone.

I dialed for Tony instead this time and perhaps his stupid FRIDAY can give me a satisfying answer. "Tony!" I shouted once the call went through.

"Hey Romanoff, how are you doing?"

"Shut up Tony, I'm not in the mood. Where is my wife?" I asked anxiously, not wanting to waste a single second.

"What are you talking about? I thought she's at the hospital giving birth? The hospital called to tell me they checked in." Tony replied with confusion in his voice. I hung up and took my keys to drive to the hospital immediately.

Your POV
Wanda stayed the night in our apartment but she slept in the guest room. In the middle of the night, I felt a sharp pain from my abdomen, one I've never felt before throughout my pregnancy. It was way too painful to ignore and I tried calling for Wanda. It was at this moment that I'm glad she came over.

"What- what's happening?" She started panicking which led me to do the same. "Let's just go to the hospital."

She helped me up from the bed and I clung onto her. Even though my legs were weak from the pain, my grip on her was strong. Thick liquid could be felt flowing down my legs and I looked at Wanda in shock.

"W-Wanda, I'm scared, Nat's not here." I cried.

"Y/N, you're bleeding! We got to bring you there quickly." We went out of the house without changing or taking anything and Wanda started driving me there. I was crying and screaming in pain while clutching onto my stomach. I was panicking, it wasn't supposed to turn out this way.

Once we reached the hospital, Wanda didn't even bother to park and stopped right in front of the hospital and brought me in. I was panting heavily when Wanda did all the administrative for me. A gurney was provided for me and I was wheeled in straight away.

"Wa-wait." I breathed. "Can you come? I c-can't do this alone a-and Nat is not here." I asked Wanda. She nodded immediately and went in together with me.

"Okay, we are still going to try the natural way but if things turn south then we are going to switch to cesarean section." The doctor informed me.

Natasha POV
Once I got to the hospital, I asked where Y/N was and they directed me to a ward. I burst into the room and the two of them flipped their heads at me and shushed me.

"Do you know how scary it was to come back to an empty house and my pregnant wife is missing? Not to mention the pool of blood on the floor. And Wanda, keep your phone by your side." I threw her phone at her and she managed to catch it.

"Thanks." She whispered before getting up and I took her seat by Y/N who was holding our new born baby.

"Sorry. Do you want to see her?" She passed the baby to me.

"It's a girl?" A layer of gloss covered my eyes and I looked at the baby in my arms. "She's so beautiful."

"I was waiting for you to name her."

"Me?" She nodded. I took a moment to think before replying. "Riley, Riley Romanoff."

"Nice to meet you Riley, your mommy over here gave me a hard time when she was pushing you out so I better be your favourite aunt." Wanda came and touched Riley's cheeks over my shoulder.

"Thanks Wanda. You helped a lot."

"Gotta earn that Aunt title somehow." She chuckled.

"Y/N, thank you too. For being okay. Sorry I wasn't there for the birth and you have to do it with Wanda. I love you so much."

"I love you too."

Written on 29 March 2022
Posted on 27 Aug 2022

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