Mood swings N.R

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You were on your period but nobody knew about it, not even your girlfriend. You were one of the lucky few who didn't get the severe symptoms of the women's curse.

You do get a bit of mood swings and loss of appetite but everyone thought it was due to you having a bad day. Everyone has one of those every now and then.

You were always able to keep your emotions in check but sometimes coming across as mean or rude. Some days are worse than others. Like today.

It was during lunch time and the food tasted weird. It was just probably your tastebuds, the rest were eating their food fine. You passed the rest of your food to Nat after eating half, it felt like you were eating chemicals or fake food.

"You don't feel like eating anymore?" Nat asked. It was your first meal of the day and you hardly ate.

"I... feel like eating something else." Not wanting to say the food tasted weird and hurt the chef's feelings. You went to the cabinet behind to get a packet of chips instead.

"Already onto the junk food Y/N?" Tony remarked, earning a slap on the back of his head from Natasha. She always stood by eating whatever you wanted at any given time as long as you weren't starving yourself.

"What? We're not even done with lunch."

You took the bag of chips and stuffed it in his mouth along with the packaging, choking him. You held his jaw and made sure he taste the plastic as you forced it in his mouth.

"Woah woah woah, that's enough, baby." Natasha pulled you back. Tony breathed heavily as the bag dropped from his mouth.

No longer in any mood to eat, you made your way to the living room to turn on a movie.

"What happened to her? She's never this aggressive." Steve was stunned at what just happened in front of his eyes. Natasha shrugged her shoulders and finished yours and her plate before finding you.

You were sobbing into the pillow while watching a movie and Nat rushed next to you. "Baby, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" She sat next to you and pulled you into a hug.

"The- the dog. I feel bad for the dog. So lonely..." You pointed towards the TV behind Nat's back.

"Huh? Why are you crying because of that?" It usually takes a lot more for you to tear up, and a lonely dog doesn't seem right for you to be sobbing over it.

"I- I don't know..." Now you realised you were crying over nothing but it was hard to stop once the tears started flowing.

"Maybe because of my period."

"You have period? I thought you were on pills." You never whined about having cramps, getting pads or anything so Nat naturally thought you were on pills throughout your relationship. You were calm for the past 2 years.


"Okay okay. Do you want to continue crying or stop?"

"Stop." Nat turned off the TV and brought you to your shared room. She unlocked your phone and passed it to you to distract your mind. Your sobbing turned down to a sniffle as you turned on YouTube and watched Minecraft.

"Why didn't you tell me you still have your period? And don't say you don't want me to feel bad."

"There wasn't any need to. It wasn't that serious." The last time you had severe cramps was during the first few times you got your period. You couldn't even leave the bed to eat.

"Then I don't get to be the caring girlfriend that comes to the rescue?" Natasha cheekily jokes.

You turned to face her. "I- I didn't mean-"

"I was just joking, baby. It's of course better if you don't feel any pain." Natasha cuts you off, it was not her intention to make you feel bad or you had to act in certain ways.

"I'm... urgh... I'm a mess right now." You rubbed your face and ruffled your hair in frustration.

Natasha pulled you into a hug and rubbed your back. "It's alright. Just sleep." She stretched to get your teddy bear that you hug to sleep every night and put it in your embrace.

With the teddy bear in between, you hugged Nat to sleep, wanting this day to be over.

Written on 27 Dec 2021
Posted on 3 Jul 2022

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