Meant To Be Together N.R

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Devil!Natasha, Angel!Reader

Second POV
No one befriended you in the land of angels. You were born with a defect since birth and even your parents decided they wanted nothing to do with you. The orphanage was really just a better word than abandoned, discarded. Because, in the land of angels, you knew your parents were still alive, they didn't want to admit that they had you as one of their children.

The only saving grace was Miss Fletcher who takes care of the kids in the orphanage. She was the only reason why you were smiling and living a semblance to a normal lifestyle. She couldn't be there for you 24/7 but you stayed out of trouble whenever you could. People who were placed in this system knew where they grew up from and their personality changes because of that. Their subconscious thinks that they have the power, with the backing from their parents but sometimes you feel bad for them. Their parents were the ones who placed them there, what made them think that their parents were going to help them?

Every week, Miss Fletcher has to go out to retrieve the parcel from god. You couldn't understand that, why make her go all the way there to retrieve it. If you are going to give, why couldn't you be more willing to go the extra mile and deliver it to the doorstep? It wasn't as if He was the one who had to be doing it himself, he just made the decision. During this time, you would head to the garden and sit by the tree to read your book, it was the silence that made you feel safe. There wasn't any laughing or noises, just the breeze against your skin.

Suddenly you heard the leaves rustling and looked up. It looked normal to you, the leaves were dense and you could hardly see anything through it. You thought it was just your imagination or that the strong gust of wind was specific to that spot, that's why you couldn't feel it or that other trees didn't seem to move.

You went back to your book, unbothered by the situation until you heard the leaves rustling again. This time you were sure that there was something in the trees because she dropped from the top onto your lap. You shouted in pain and pushed her off. You were staring at her angrily and you fought to fight back your tears. Her red hair covered half of her face as she stood up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that... I was stuck..."

You looked at her angrily and frowned. Why would she climb up the tree if she was going to be stuck? She looked slightly different from those that you have seen around, wearing black and red clothes instead of the white one given around. "Who are you?"

"I'm... I'm a devil's kid but I was thrown out and I landed on the tree."

"You couldn't fly out?" Their black wings were said to be stronger than angels when they were younger, it was harder to control. But eventually, angels learnt to adapt and became as strong as their counterparts.

She showed you the reason for being kicked out of hell and you were grateful that you belong to the land of the angel. "You're not supposed to be here. People hunt species like you." You closed your book and stood up.

"I don't have anywhere to go!" She shouted when she saw you leaving.

"I can't help you. I have nowhere to go too. I don't have any help." You said softly before heading back into the building. You had no idea how she was going to live in the land of angels, she could probably change her clothes, but her hair was very striking.

"Did you have fun reading outside?" Miss Fletcher asked when she saw you entering. You nodded her head before approaching her and seeing what she has received from God. The first time you went out without telling her she ended up freaking out. Ever since then, you timed your reading just right to coincide when Miss Fletcher comes back so you don't have to face the rest of the kids alone. "I heard from him that a devil's kid was kicked from their place to ours. Apparently, she was only born with one wing." You nodded along with her words. It must be the kid you saw earlier who you had forgotten to ask her name. "Here, a new book for you. I know you must be finishing your current one."

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