The bridge pt2 S.J

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Your POV
"Thank you very much for your time, Y/N." The officer said with a small smile as he walked me back towards the reception.

"No problem." I said, nodding my head a little as I shove my hands in my jacket pockets as I keep my eyes glued to his badge. "Am I cleared to leave?" I asked as the office titled his head sympathetically.

I took a step forward until I remembered something. "What about Victoria? Is she out yet?" I asked nervously, playing with the thread in my pockets.

"Not yet, but she should be out soon." He informed me after checking his tablet.

"Okay thanks..." I turned back to the almost empty reception area considering it's early in the morning and let out a small sigh. My eyes instantly caught sight of Scarlett who was slouched in a chair by the door. Her eyes are threatening to close as she rests her head on the wall behind her.

Guilt travelled through my body, knowing it's almost 6am and we've barely slept. Scarlett has to go to work and I have to go to school tomorrow and we've only slept for three hours. I sighed as I began to walk towards her. As soon as she heard someone walking, her eyes scanned the room to find me. They snapped open and she instantly shot up from her chair. I watched as she stumbled slightly from how quickly she stood up before meeting me halfway.

"Are you okay?" Her hands gently slid around my waist.

"Yeah." I mumbled while watching her eyes flicker around my face. Victoria's parents were called and they were here. We waited until Victoria came out and I told her I'll see her in school again when I go back. Scarlett's hands let go of my waist and instantly grabbed one of hands as I began to follow her out of the police station. The whole car ride was silent, she just didn't seem to want to leave me on my own anymore, she just needed me to be near her. She has her arm on my leg while her other hand drives.

Once we got home, Scarlett didn't say anything but just kissed my forehead before we went back to her room without changing out. Not that I wanted to sleep alone after what happened.

"Y/N, please promise me you won't ever do this again. I was so scared, my heart almost jumped out." Scarlett said as she laid down next to me.

"I won't, I promise. It's not fun. Let's just talk about this later." I yawned and got comfortable with her pillow once again.

"Okay, goodnight Y/N."



I woke up and blinked a couple of times due to the sun shining in my eyes before looking down to see Scarlett was still sleeping soundlessly with her arms around my waist. I slowly detach myself from her arms, carefully pulling her arms back but I felt my shirt pull as if it was stuck to something. I frowned and saw that her hand was gripping tightly onto the bottom of my shirt.

I pulled my clothes away slowly trying not to wake her up and made my way towards the bathroom.

I let out a large breath as I ran my hands down my face. I could still vividly remember the shock on Victoria's face as I pushed her. It was the most daring thing I think I've ever done, standing on the edge of the ledge, one wrong move and that would be the end.

I lifted my face and looked into the mirror, seeing the purple bruise that was forming on my biceps near my elbow where I had hooked around the rails to stop myself from falling. Not only the slip haunts me, but hearing Scarlett's scream the moment my foot slipped. I've never heard her let out such a horrific cry even in films. Then seeing the look on her face as she tried to save me.

I will never be able to forget the look on her face, her eyes were surrounded by redness as the tears continued to flow out of them. The way she screamed for me even though I was right in front of her.

I went back to bed to the position I was in earlier after splashing cold water on my face. I could feel Scarlett's arm tightening around me as I settled down.

Scarlett POV
When my body deflated a little, I was made aware of Y/N leaving my embrace. I searched for the time and it was already 9 in the morning considering we came back around 6. I texted Y/N's school and the director we won't be heading in today. Through lights peeking past the seams from the door, I realised she was in the bathroom and left her alone. After hearing the water running, she came back and I just hugged her closer.

It was another hour, until I heard my stomach grumbling, reminding me that it was almost twelve hours since we'd last ate. This time, it was my turn to slowly remove my arm from under and try to prepare some sort of a lunch, or brunch.

I was about to leave the bed when Y/N suddenly jerked up and took a deep breath. I immediately jumped into action and went to her side of the bed to check on her. "Y/N, are you okay?" Without waiting for her reply, I engulfed her into a hug and rubbed her back. "You're here, you're here."

I could feel her heart beating rapidly against my chest as she tried to calm down. "Wow, it's scary to fall from such heights." Y/N said without much expression in her voice.

"Are you feeling better? You dreamt about falling off?" I asked, pulling away and moving her messy hair away from her face. She nodded with a sigh, closing her eyes.

I kissed her cheek. "What you did was reckless no doubt, I won't say I completely agree with your methods there because there were so many ways that things could have gone wrong but you saved a life nonetheless."

"Even though we've only known each other for about two months, I care a lot for you and I love you. It would hurt me a lot to..." I didn't know how to continue the sentence all of a sudden.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll never do it again."

"Alright, let's go get something in your tummy. I bet you're hungry." I said changing the topic to a lighter one and tickling her stomach.

She started screaming and squirming away from my touch, shouting for me to stop as she managed to get to the door first. She took a moment to breathe before turning back and said. "I love you too."

"Hey! You're just saying that to get food, aren't ya!" I shouted as she was laughing down the stairs.

Written on 8 April 2022
Posted on 3 Sept 2022

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