Fever N.R

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Natasha POV
It was 8.30 in the morning and I was surprised to hear silence, nothing in fact. By this time, Y/N would have been whining for me to pick her up and have breakfast with the team. She may be three going to four but she sleeps with me in the same room on her bed.

I turned over to see her blanket and pillows tossed to a side, very typical of her. What's not typical in such a morning was how quiet and hot she was when I picked her up. Pushing away her hairs that were stuck to her forehead, I could feel that she was running a fever.

"Baby... wake up..." I cooed, trying to catch her attention before I suddenly placed her in the water to cool her down. She stirred slightly but still not waking up. I tried again as I made my way towards the bathroom hoping that the movement and light was going to wake her up.

Finally she opened her eyes when the tub was filled halfway.

"Are you finally awake, baby?" I bounced her on my lap as I began to peel the clothes off her.

"I feel yucky..." Y/N looked and played with her hands as she leaned on me.

"I know I know. Let's take a bath, yeah?" I turned off the tap and placed her in the tub along with a few toys she normally plays with while having one.

I was getting very worried seeing her with no energy. This wasn't the first time she fell sick but it was the first time she really felt as if she had no energy. I could see it in her eyes that struggled to stay awake as she tried to stay entertained with the ducks in the water. I scrubbed her body down, hoping that this would pass quickly.

Even during breakfast, it was very hard to get Y/N to eat something. I tried offering her some soup but she refused to have it. Even Wanda's efforts were useless when it was her turn to try. Usually when all else fails, Wanda was able to persuade her but Y/N wasn't even opening her mouth this time. I knew this was a lot more serious than it looks so I brought her to see Bruce immediately, I wouldn't want to have something drastic happening because I delayed her treatment.

"Bruce, she's refusing to eat anything and she's having a fever." I went into his lab hoping he was able to help. He turned around and dropped his tools he was using, and guided us to the empty bed at the side.

After taking Y/N's temperature, he took her blood and fluid for more testing. It was really hard to keep her still when Bruce had to inject her not once but twice. Her cries broke my heart when I had to hold her down as she struggled when Bruce came close with the needle. Her face was filled with her tears as she clearly stated her displeasure and reluctance.

Finally when Bruce was done, all that was left was her hiccups and sniffles as she hugged me. I kept her close to me and laid down on the bed with her so she could relax a bit. "Do you want your teddy?" I asked her softly. We came down from breakfast and didn't have any chance to grab her toy and I can predict we were going to be staying here for some time.

Y/N nodded her head and I carried her back up to our room where her teddy laid on her messy bed. I didn't have the time to make her bed today and it's likely it's going to remain like this for a while. "Teddy." Y/N said as I bent down and gave it to her to hug. I still remembered the day I bought it for her after going for my second ultrasound.

Bruce and I converge in the lab at the same time, saying he has some news for me. Once I placed sleeping Y/N on the bed, I stepped out once again to hear what Bruce had to say.

"It seems that Y/N caught a very bad case of cold because her white blood cells level is quite high as they are trying to fight the infection. I can only help by giving her antibiotics and wait for the fever to go down." I nodded my head and went back in.

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