Tricky business N.R

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Your POV
My team and I have been tracking this mafia for a while. The police department gave us this case because we were reckless and never cared about the procedure. They were not concerned if we managed to crack and solve the case, they were more concerned about us staying out of their way.

My team and I were used to receiving loose scraps like this but our success rate was higher than the other teams. Things can never be done when we follow the rules too closely.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO CHASE AFTER HIM ALREADY!" My boss threw my report in my face and the papers went flying everywhere. The others in his office were looking at me as I stood still in front of his desk. "YOU'RE JUST WASTING YOUR TIME! HE'S CLEARLY INNOCENT! I ASSIGNED TASKS FOR YOU TO DO BUT YOU CHOOSE TO WASTE YOUR TIME HERE INSTEAD!" He shouted at me. I swallowed my anger instead of refuting him, he clearly had backups so no one could touch him. As the leader, I felt as if I let my team down, there was no fruition of their efforts and we have to start from scratch on another case.


We've gathered some leads and we have been infiltrating their base a lot, frequenting the places they visit. Making ourselves a familiar face for them. We acted as miners looking for a job. Not just any miners, a tomb digger - those that contain historic antiques in them. We offer our services to those who can afford to hire us.

"Victoria! Nice of you to join us again!" The bouncer greeted me. I gave him a wide smile as I entered with my briefcase. "I see you've brought a lot today as well."

"Noo, this is not a lot. This is just like a token of appreciation." I said as I went towards the exchange station. The lady gave me a stack of chips for the money that I exchanged after deducting the exchange fee.

"So, what are you going to be playing today?" He brought me around the table, there were roulette, poker, blackjack, baccarat and even slots. Exactly like how a fully furnished casino would look like. I glanced around feeling the atmosphere and the space around me before walking to a table and join an ongoing game.

"All in on red." I placed my chips on the table and everyone at the table gasped and looked at me. Even Miss Romanoff who I saw was standing near the door,from the reflection of a polished vase. The dealer looked at me to make sure I was 100% certain with my choice before ringing the bell, signifying that no one else can change their bet. She threw the silver ball and directed everyone's attention to it, all hoping that it would land on the one they bet on. The sound of the metal ball going against the surface, jumping at each bump enticed everyone. Once it touches on something they bet on, everyone hopes that it stays there even though it is physically impossible.

For a moment it landed on red and I really thought it was going to stay there. I sucked in a deep breath until it jumped out and landed on black, 26 instead. There were some small cheers from the side of the table but I sighed as the dealer took the chips away.

"Such as shame. Twenty grand down the drain like this." Miss Romanoff approached me and I smiled as we moved to the side to have a better conversation. "All gone on the first bet."

"Yeah." I shrugged, not caring too much."Do you have any spare change so I can head home?"

"Have you tried the restaurant here? They serve really good food."


"You're right, it's really good. I should come here more often." I said before eating the slice of steak I had cut.

It was a lovely dinner as we talked in between. I got to know that she owns some hotels and properties around the area. Rich people sure earn money easier than the poor. I tossed in some bait as we talked, saying that my team and I found some leads that the tomb may contain an ancient sword. But, as a tomb raider, we can't do things openly, especially in public space. She didn't say anything but I knew she was interested. She has been eying the set of vases that her boss has in his safe. He was known to store whatever he collected illegally in his safe. The amount rumoured he has was enough to open a museum.

Romanoff didn't even try to hide that she did a background check on me.

"I like it when you say my real name."

"Y/N?" I just smiled as I raised my glass to toast. We talked for a while more and motives aside, I found her to be a really nice companion.

"Here, you can have this." She tossed a set of car keys at me as I went out. "He will show you which car it is."


Her assistant showed me a fancy black colour Ferrari. I unlocked it with the keys and got into the driver's seat. The choice of colour can be a little different but I can't deny that it felt nice sitting in a luxury car.

Something caught my eye amongst the black coloured seat. It was some papers and keys that I had no idea where it belonged to. Swiftly glancing at the papers, I could tell it was a map and it does not look above ground. Sneaky, she had already planned all of this.

I pulled out my phone and dialed her number she left on one of the papers as I got out of the car.

"I accept your offer. But you should have gotten me a red Ferrari instead, especially when I had just lost that roulette round earlier."

Written on 26 May 2022
Posted on 22 Sept 2022

Inspired by Collector (Korean Movie)

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