Robot assistant N.R

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Your POV
"Y/N, what's my schedule like for the day?" Natasha asked me as she was facing her computer, typing away at things I can't see.

"You have a meeting with Miss Maximoff at 10am, inspection of the warehouse with Mr Fury at 1pm and dinner with Miss Hill at 7pm today, Miss Romanoff." I replied as I sneaked a peek on my phone. I was never a tidy person but so when I was tasked to serve Miss Romanoff, it was like asking me to be another person.

"Increase the volume." Miss Romanoff instructed.

"Maximum volume reached." I replied.

"Oh really? I need to feedback to Tony about this. Add it to my To-do list."

"Yes Miss Romanoff." I said as I keyed it in my phone.

How did I end up here?

I am definitely going to use it against Tony in the future. Nothing he do can change my mind. How could he have advertised it as ready to sell when it's not? And how could he have modeled it after me without seeking my permission?

Now that there's a buyer, he has to deliver the product but there isn't one. So he came looking for me, begging me to help him. He invited me to his lab and I saw an exact replica of me sitting in the chair with wires attached to the computers.

He saw me looking at him with disgust. "You can't blame me. I started this project when we were still together. I couldn't change it halfway!"

"And you were thinking of selling with my face? Couldn't you have changed it?" Goodness, this guy requires someone to help manage his business instead of putting all his mind into a new creation.

"Please Y/N. You're literally the only one who can help me at this point. I promise you, once this becomes successful, I'll give you a portion of the profit." He begged.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. What did I see in this guy in the past to be in a relationship with him? "Fine. Only because I'm in need of cash." I got goosebumps when glanced at the replica of me, it looks eerily similar that creeps me out.

"Thank you so much, you're my savior. Here, this is the address. You need to be there by 7am tomorrow." Tony passed me a piece of paper.

So that's what I am doing, acting as a robot when in actual fact I am a human, a mediocre one no less.

"Alright, let's go." Miss Romanoff took her blazer and walked towards the door. As she passed me when I was holding the door, she stopped and looked at me closer. She leaned really close and we were less than an inch apart. I had to stop myself from looking away otherwise she'll realise I'm not a robot. "I wonder what he used to make this so realistic." She pulled away and continued walking to her car.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding before following behind Miss Romanoff. She scrolled through her tablet in the back row while I drove to Miss Maximoff's company.

"What's the weather like today?" Miss Romanoff asked suddenly.

"Currently, in New York, the temperature is 27 degree celsius or 80 degree fahrenheit with clear sky." I came to a realisation that she would ask this at a random point in the day, and I took every chance to check the weather.

They were discussing their intercompany stuff while you stood to the side. "Y/N, what's the stock looking like for (rival company)."

"Apologies Miss Romanoff, this function is not yet available." I was told to reply with this when she asked something that I have no idea about. No one just randomly knows the stock price of a company in their mind, it's so volatile anyways, it changes constantly.

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