The Secretary pt2 N.R

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I know few asked for a continuation of their marriage but honestly, I'm not very good at that. This came to my mind so I decided to write this instead.


There was lots of preparation to be done for someone who was getting proposed to. Brandon asked for your help to surprise Nikki for the proposal and you couldn't contain your excitement. Nikki has been your long-time friend; seeing her finally getting engaged to her boyfriend whom you helped happen was truly an honour for you.

You couldn't have done this yourself and engaged your other friends to help you, there were lots to plan and decorate which you weren't too great at. Eventually, Natasha had to ask why you were so busy when as her secretary, there shouldn't be any work brought back home. You had to reveal that you were planning the engagement for Brandon so that Nikki wouldn't get suspicious since they practically spend almost every living time together.

"I love you." Natasha said out of nowhere and kissed your cheeks. "I love you too." You replied and watched as she retreated to her study room. She was staying in her study room a lot more these days but you were too busy to figure out why. Everything has to be perfect for your plan and it happens tomorrow.

You were double-checking the plan with your friends, making sure they arrived on time and were able to get everything ready as you distracted her.


"It's been so long since we have hung out together!" Nikki exclaimed when she arrived to see some of her friends around. "Honestly, it is so hard to meet these days when everyone has different schedules."

You have arranged for a manicure and salon for the ladies in preparation for the reveal later. Of course, Nikki was none the wiser as she was a keen self-care person and often did this in her free time.

Everyone agreed to go to the salon first as they would be able to do their nails while waiting for their hair to set. They had lots of fun choosing the colours and designs for one another and you even sent a photo of your nails to Natasha.

The salon took the longest as the next stop was buying new clothes. It was hard to steer her to choosing something other than a hoodie or oversized clothes when that was her normal style. Eventually, you came up with a fake event that made her agree to dress up. You told her you wanted a group photo on the beach with like a 'flowy' theme and what was more flowy than a dress?

You fixed the theme to be white knowing that it would be nearing sunset by the time you reach the beach. It will complement the colour well and be seen through the camera. Thank god for your friends being here as well as they were able to get her to choose a dress. You weren't afraid at first, but as time passed and Nikki was still unable to settle on one, you pushed your friends to be harder on her and get her mind fixed on one. She looks fabulous in all of them, she just needs to be more confident to walk away with one.

"But I want it to be perfect! I don't know when we will get to be together again..." Your friend whispered something beside her and it was as if a switch was flicked in her and she agreed on the one she was wearing and walked to the cashier. After communicating with the cashier, you got permission to wear the clothes and take out the tags when it was paid.

Getting into the car, you drive everyone to the beach and your friends are out of sight, as planned. "Wow, Y/N did you plan all of this?" She gasped as she took everything in. The lights and flowers on the sand.

"Well, to be the girlfriend of Natasha, right? Everything can be done." One of your friends teased.

"Okay enough. I'm going to cover your eyes." You told her as you approached her and she complied willingly. As soon as you did that, your friends did quick work on changing the flowers on the beach from lines to a heart. Behind you, everything changed without you knowing. All your friends who were here earlier to decorate this walked out as you countdown the numbers for Nikki. "3... 2... 1..." You removed your hands and she turned to face you laughing. Of course, you were happy for her and ended up laughing as well, but you can't shake the feeling that she was laughing and smiling for a different reason.

When she stepped out of the heart shape, you looked at everyone who seemed to know more than you. You were so confused as to what was happening until you saw Natasha walking towards you. Her being here was not the issue, she was invited too, but she was carrying the bouquet you ordered for Brandon. "Natasha?"

"I told you I will propose to you without you suspecting anything." She smirked, approaching you. "Like Brandon and Nikki, we spend a lot of time together, to do this without you knowing anything will be hard."

"So... they know everything?" Natasha nodded.

"So, Y/N I haven't gotten sick of you after spending every waking moment with you and I don't think I ever would, so, would you give me the pleasure of marrying me? Sticking by me for the rest of my life? I promise I will treat you right and make sure that no harm comes your way." She knelt and presented you with a pink diamond ring.

"Yes!" You nodded and she stood up immediately and encased you in a hug. Your friends around cheered and clapped as you kissed Natasha and she placed the engagement ring on your finger.

"Soon to be Mrs Romanoff." Natasha whispered. "I can't wait.

Written on 5 Jan 2023
Posted on 16 Jan 2023

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