Engagement ring S.J

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Scarlett proposed to me a week ago and it's the best day of my life. Everything was perfect and it was a huge surprise. I never suspected a thing because we have been going on dates every weekend and I just thought it was just part of the regular routine we have.

It turns out, Scarlett had planned everything and invited all our friends and family to the restaurant near the beach. I didn't even notice they were here until Scarlett pulled me up from my seat and gave me a hug after I gave her my 'yes'.

They were all with their phones out taking video and I could only shake my head when I saw my parents trying to hold back their tears.

But now, I'm freaking out.

I just realised I lost my engagement ring. And it was not me who realised it. It was Lizzie when we were having lunch together. But can you blame me? I'm not used to wearing any ring, it feels normal to me having nothing on my finger.

I'm still freaking out as Lizzie was trying to calm me down.

"Calm down Y/N. Do you remember where you last saw it?" I didn't hear anything she said.

"What if she thinks I'm thinking twice about this? Or I was forced to say yes. Or I am not committed to this relationship? Or worse, what if she thinks I'm cheating on her?" I started rambling and pacing around as I list off the things that could happen.

"Look at me Y/N!" Lizzie shook my shoulders and made me look at her.

"I'm sure Scarlett will understand if you explain it to her. If you're too scared. I can do it for you."

"No no, I can't ask you to do this."

"Take a deep breath, it's okay if you can't remember where you last saw it. It's going to be okay, Scarlett isn't going to be mad at you." I still couldn't relax but I wasn't freaking out as much. My eyebrows were stuck at a position of a frown throughout the drive back. Lizzie knew I was in no position to be going back alone, so she offered to drive me back to the apartment that Scar and I share.

"Do you want me to head in with you?" She asked as we arrived at the driveway.

I shook my head and thanked her before exiting her car. She gave me one last cheer before driving off and I was standing by the door thinking about my choices. How am I going to explain to Scarlett? I should have asked for some examples of how to explain before sending Lizzie away. Now I'm left alone. Maybe I can find some examples on the internet?

I took out my phone just as the door opened and Scarlett was standing in front of me. No this can't be. I haven't finished planning!

"I heard the car pull up but no one was coming in. Why have you been standing here alone for so long? How did the lunch with Lizzie go?" When she saw that I wasn't replying to her she asked. "Is everything okay? Did something happen during lunch?"

I started crying feeling like I've betrayed Scarlett. Startled by my reaction, she quickly pulled me into a hug and closed the door behind us. Things progressed really fast from there as the tears were uncontrollable and I started hiccuping.

Scarlett wiped my tears away as I sat on her lap. "Are you going to tell me what happened baby?" She spoke softly.

I sniffled. "Promise not to be mad?" I don't think I can take it if she is going to be angry.

"I could never stay mad at you baby. And I don't think you would do anything that is bad on purpose. You always have a reason."

I took a deep breath and prepared myself. "I- I lost my engagement ring." I said quietly with my eyes closed and arms around her. I didn't want to see how she's going to react but I also wanted to be near her.

"Oh baby... it's not like you threw it away. I can get you a replacement. Or do you want to choose another matching set?"

I pulled back and looked at her. "You're not mad?"

"I'm not. Is the ring too big for you? Should we make it in a different size?" I don't deserve Scarlett, she is so caring and attentive. I only wish to do the same for her.

"A little bit. Just slightly."

"Alright, we can go together tomorrow."

Written on 16 Jul 2022
Posted on 4 Oct 2022

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